SC3 Backfocus Question

Discussion in 'Guiding and Adaptive Optics - StarChaser and AO' started by Mike Hambrick, May 23, 2023.

  1. Mike Hambrick

    Mike Hambrick Cyanogen Customer

    Jul 13, 2016
    Orange, Texas
    Please check my math.

    I have a STXL16200 with a FW8G filter wheel. The optical backfocus for this combination is 2.357".

    I also have a standard cover for the FW8G that has an optical backfocus with the STXL camera of 1.684"

    The SC3 has a published backfocus of 0.87" Therefore, if I were to use the SC3 with the FW8S cover, it looks like the backfocus requirement will increase to 2.554". Does this look correct ?

    On a different topic, how is the SC3 guide sensor treated in the MaxIm DL camera setup ? Will we just check the Dual Chip Mode box ?

  2. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Hi Mike,
    The best thing to do is use this Backfocus Calculator Spreadsheet:
    It has drop-down choices for the various items, and makes it quick to calculate.

    The SC-3 is an independent camera, not an external sensor of the main camera.
    So, instead of SBIG Universal and [x] Dual Chip, you will leave [ ] Dual chip OFF, and Camera 2 will be set as DL Imaging. Then you'll click [Advanced...] and select the SC3 from the list.

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