Sh2-155 'Cave Nebula'

Discussion in 'My Astrophotos' started by ROBERT T SCHAEFER JR, Oct 3, 2020.


    ROBERT T SCHAEFER JR Cyanogen Customer

    May 13, 2018
    152mm A+M Refractor(OfficinaStellare-1200mmF/L) using a TeleVue .8XReducer/Flattener for an effect of 950mmFL with a BreakThrough X4-UV 49mm filter with step-rings to 48mm and using a CanonEOSII RebelT7i modified UV-IR @ Hutech on an Astro-Physics 1200GTO Mount . Two RAWMono Autosave images for 67sec for each ISO200-400-800-1600-3200-6400 and four or more of 87sec for each ISO200-400-800-1600-3200-6400 for a total of forty-four RAWMono images Average stacked in each ISO type Folder and fortyfive 67secISO100Flush-frames Average stacked in their ISO type Folder and the end result FITS of each ISO type I Sum stacked to the finished FITS which has eighty-nine RAW_Monochrome images . "Digital Development - GaussianBlur : 1.0 " was used and some "Levels" a little bit and some "Curves" 'Luminance' a little bit and "Curves" 'Red' a little bit , "Adjust Saturation" . This is still the Sadr 11secISO6400 'focus' routine position being used .x
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