ST-8300M Cooling

Discussion in 'STF Series CCD Cameras' started by Alan Cairncross, Jan 21, 2016.

  1. Alan Cairncross

    Alan Cairncross Standard User

    Jan 20, 2016
    Darwin, Australia
    I purchased an ST-8300M in mid 2011. I have not used it very much but when I did I noticed the CCD temperature never fell below -5 degrees centigrade. The ambient temperature was about +15 C and the setpoint was -25 degrees. I live about 11 degrees south of the equator and ambient temperatures are always high. I would like to get the CCD to -10 C. I am using a 10A power supply with 12# wiring. I have been thinking of piggy backing another peltier to the fitted peltier. This would require removing the original, which appears to be glued in position and machining the heat sink or thinning the cold finger between it and the CCD or a combination of both. What type of glue is used and what is the specification of the peltier? Or, do you have a simpler solution to my problem?
    Another question. Is the desiccant Silica Gel? If so I can reactivate it in the oven.

    Regards, Alan
  2. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    The ST-8300M is no longer manufactured (replaced by STF-8300M). According to the original datasheets for that model, it should be able to regulate at about -35C below ambient. If it's not achieving that then it may not be working properly. You might want to contact Bill @ SBIG Service & Repair.

    Yes the desiccant is silica gel.

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