Resolved ST and STL Series Camera - New Driver Released

Discussion in 'Legacy Models - Community Support' started by Adam Robichaud, Nov 30, 2016.

  1. Adam Robichaud

    Adam Robichaud Lead Developer Staff Member

    Sep 29, 2014
    If you have an old SBIGUDrv supported camera (i.e. not an STT, STX, STXL, STF, or ST-I model camera), and are unable to connect to it with SBIGUDrv version 4.96, we have identified an issue responsible for the behavior, and are working on a fix.

    In the meantime, we advise reverting your drivers until we are able to correct the issue in the next minor release. the attached zip file contains an older version of SBIGUDrv (version 4.92 build 0) which is confirmed to work with older cameras. Installation instructions are included with the driver. If you experience any issues, don't hesitate to contact us.

    Do not revert your drivers if you are using an STT, STX, STXL, STF, or ST-I model camera. This is only for ST (-7, -8, -2k, etc), and STL model cameras.

    We apologize for the confusion, and hope to have a fix out soon.

    Attached Files:

  2. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    What if I have an STL11k with no remote head and a separate ST-i guider on the same setup? I'll assume just using the older driver is okay until you have a fix.
  3. Adam Robichaud

    Adam Robichaud Lead Developer Staff Member

    Sep 29, 2014
    The ST-i should be largely unaffected by the drop to 4.92 — so you should be OK. If you do notice any issues, let me know, and I can forward you a beta driver.
  4. JMB

    JMB Standard User

    Dec 9, 2016
    Thanks for the info, I have been trying to fix the issue since a week ! Went nearly crazy not to find anything, thanks for the message, and looking forward to the next release (I imagine the Driverchecker wil do the job for us?).
  5. Eagle

    Eagle Standard User

    Dec 9, 2016
    Hi Adam,

    I have a ST8, running on Win7 (or shall I say used to run before the latest update...). The supplied installation instructions say:
    2. Extract the version of SBIGUDrv.dll supplied in this ZIP file to %USERPROFILE%\SBIGUDrv.dll
    3. Copy %USERPROFILE%\SBIGUDrv.dll to C:\Windows\System\SBIGUDrv.dll
    What does that actually mean? What is %USERPROFILE%, and what does statement 3. mean? How can I copy anything to a dll?

  6. JMB

    JMB Standard User

    Dec 9, 2016
    Hi Adam,
    I have exactly the same question, I tried to copy/past the new SBIGUDrv.dll to replace the old one in the same folders but it doesn't work. I have a STL11K and use Window 7.
    Thanks for your help
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2016
  7. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Userprofile is an environment variable that is usually your user directory. In my case, c:\users\colin
    See screenshot.
    You can just type in some place for the file to live while you are working with it.

    e.g. unzip the Zip file into c:\users\eagle or wherever.
    Then copy it from there to c:\windows\system\

    System security might try to stop you. So run the a command prompt as Administrator, and it should work.
  8. Eagle

    Eagle Standard User

    Dec 9, 2016
    Hello Colin, Adam,

    Thanks for your reply and explanation!

    I did basically what you said (similar to what Adam tried above), but the camera still does not connect.
    Here is the log "SBIG Driver Checker 64" has created, after I copied the former dll into the "C:\Program Files (x86)\SBIG\Driver Checker 64\SBIG Drivers 3r2\DLLs" folder :

    Log file created : Sat Dec 10 20:33:12 2016

    Computer : AAVSOCGEM-PC
    Processor type : 586
    Number of processors : 4
    Operating system : Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium Edition Service Pack 1 (build 7601), 64-bit
    System directory : C:\Windows\system32
    Windows directory : C:\Windows
    User : AAVSO CGEM
    Driver Name Version Date Current
    sbigudrv.dll 4.92 Build 0 05-17-16 Yes
    sbigu64.sys 01-27-15 Yes
    sbigpcam.hex 2.46 01-27-15 Yes
    sbiglcam.hex 2.20 01-27-15 Yes
    sbigfcam.hex 2.25 01-27-15 Yes
    sbigfga.bin 2004.11.10 01-27-15 Yes

    Shouldn't his work now?
    The camera is still not recognized / not connecting.

    I am operating a remote telescope and have no easy access to the camera. There are now at least two setups (Adam's STL11K and my ST8) that do not seem to work anymore after the latest driver "update".
    Shouldn't Diffraction Limited announce the problems a little more prominently or even retract the newest drivers? I found this forum and this info only by chance...

  9. JMB

    JMB Standard User

    Dec 9, 2016

    , you can add me to the list, we are at least 3, and I mentioned this thread on a french forum as well, will see if other have the issue.

    Adam, Colin,
    I have a few questions please,

    1- Can someone tell me if this is the same to do what is described above versus simply copy the dll given above into the right folders?

    2- Should I change all the sbigudrv in all the folders, in my case:
    - C\Windows\System
    - C\Windows\System32\drivers
    - C\Programe files(86)\SBIG\Driverchecker64\SBIGdriver3r2\DLLs
    - C\Programe files(86)\SBIG\CCDOps5

    3- I can no longer switch off the camera from the computer (as it is not recognized), so I unplug it each time by removing the power supply, can someone tell me if there is any risk to do this for the camera?

    4- Should we tick "Asynchronous USB IO" in the 3Configure Driver" or not (something mentioned in an other thread from this forum)? I tried both and no results.

    After having done step 1 and 2 above, putting the right port com, and try to establish a link, CCDOps still tells me "Error Opening communications device".
    The camera is well seen on the computer on COM3 for my case.

    I share the comment from Eagle above, I also discovered this forum and thread by chance, next time please simply remove the wrong dll from the update, and replace by the one that worked...

    Last point: there is an "error" accessing the "ST and STF" section of the forum, I can no longer access from there, to go on this thread I need to take the direct link...

    Thanks for your help,
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2016
  10. JMB

    JMB Standard User

    Dec 9, 2016
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2016
  11. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    I have an STL11000M and the SBIGUDRV.DLL 492 build 1 05-27-16 and it works ok on Windows 10. I will check Windows 7.
    See this thread:

    EAGLE -
    You said "Here is the log "SBIG Driver Checker 64" has created, after I copied the former dll into the "C:\Program Files (x86)\SBIG\Driver Checker 64\SBIG Drivers 3r2\DLLs" folder :"
    NO! NOT THERE (Pas la!) :)
    Copy the old SBIGUDRV.DLL into C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM

    "1- Can someone tell me if this is the same to do what is described above versus simply copy the dll given above into the right folders?"
    Just copy into C:\windows\system

    "2- Should I change all the sbigudrv in all the folders, in my case:"
    "- C\Windows\System"
    "- C\Windows\System32\drivers"
    "- C\Programe files(86)\SBIG\Driverchecker64\SBIGdriver3r2\DLLs"
    "- C\Programe files(86)\SBIG\CCDOps5"
    I don't know. Maybe rename "C\Programe files(86)\SBIG\CCDOps5\sbigudrv.dll sbigudrv.zzz" and see what happens.

    "3- I can no longer switch off the camera from the computer (as it is not recognized), so I unplug it each time by removing the power supply, can someone tell me if there is any risk to do this for the camera?"
    Unplug power supply from wall AC 120v/220v socket.

    4- Should we tick "Asynchronous USB IO" in the 3Configure Driver" or not (something mentioned in an other thread from this forum)? I tried both and no results."
    YES. I didn't need to, but some people say yes.

  12. JMB

    JMB Standard User

    Dec 9, 2016
    Thanks a lot Colin !

    It would be awesome if you can try the SBIGUDRV.DLL 492 build 1 05-27-1 on Window 7 too.

    I'll try to do what you said tomorrow and will let you know the result,
    Thanks again for your help,

  13. Eagle

    Eagle Standard User

    Dec 9, 2016

    You made my day! Thanks!
    I had copied the dll file into the driver checker dll-folder only so that it is displayed (I did not "update"...). I had also copied the SBIGUDRV.DLL 492 build 05-27-16 into the "C\Windows\System" before. But the camera did not connect.

    BUT, by checking the "Asynchronous USB IO" in the "Configure Driver" made it work - the camera started to connect/work again (with CCDOps and MaximDL).

    So, with using Win7 and the SBIGUDRV.DLL 492 build 05-27-16 (copied into "C\Windows\System"), the ST-8 started to work again.

    Best to all,
  14. Adam Robichaud

    Adam Robichaud Lead Developer Staff Member

    Sep 29, 2014
    @Eagle — I'm glad you were able to get it working. I'm not sure why reverting your driver didn't resolve the issue... We don't have an ST-8 to test with, so reproducing the issue in house isn't currently possible. I'll have a look and see if we can reproduce the issue with some of our other, older, cameras — but at least you're up and running with this work around.

    @JMB — Everything Colin has said has been on the money, and you can safely ignore the copy of SBIGUDrv.dll in 'C:\Program Files (x86)\SBIG\CCDOps5' — the program prioritizes the copy of SBIGUDrv.dll in 'C:\Windows\System'. If you're still experiencing issues after implementing Colin's suggestions, let me know and I would be happy to log in remotely and help sort this out.

    We realize this has been an inconvenience to you, and all our ST/STL-series camera owners, and we apologize for that. Because this driver provides an important fix for users with newer cameras, and the issue with older cameras can be easily worked-around with a back-rev, and settings change, we decided not to pull the driver from distribution; but we've taken steps to ensure all the older cameras we have on stock will be tested prior to all future driver releases. As for making these notices more prominent, we'll look into a way of doing that, as well. That said: this is our official support forum, and we strongly advise all users to come here for the latest information on their cameras, especially when they're having issues.

    Also: The forum error should be resolved now.
  15. JMB

    JMB Standard User

    Dec 9, 2016
    Colin, Adam,

    Thanks for your help, my STL is now alive again and at least can connect to CCDOps 5. I actually don't use CCDOps5 but Prism V10, and this still doesn't work with this software (whereas it worked well before the update) but I'll try to figure this out and solve the issue.

    I'll tell the french forum the solution is found, and to come to this thread in case of any issue.

    Thanks again,
  16. JMB

    JMB Standard User

    Dec 9, 2016
    Adam, you said Nov 30th: we have identified an issue responsible for the behavior, and are working on a fix.

    Can you please let me know where you are on this? Do you intend to change the current driver to be compatible also with the older camera versions as before? Honestly this has been a nightmare for me with your drivers since this update.

  17. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    Adam is on holidays until the 3rd.
  18. JMB

    JMB Standard User

    Dec 9, 2016
    OK thanks Doug,
  19. Robin Uffer

    Robin Uffer Cyanogen Customer

    Dec 27, 2016
    I'm glad I found this thread. I purchased a new laptop (HP) and had a rough day trying to connect my STL-11000. Using the older driver now works with the STL and my ST-i guider.

    Thank you!

  20. Chirié

    Chirié Standard User

    Aug 13, 2016
    I'm desperate to discover that a company such as SBIG / Diffraction Ltd unable to correct his own mistakes And that we would have to wait more than a month for its services to make the necessary corrections.
    Is that how this company views its customers?


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