ST-i as guider with ST-i Kit -- image scale

Discussion in 'Legacy Models - Community Support' started by Pieter Strauss, May 7, 2020.

  1. Pieter Strauss

    Pieter Strauss Cyanogen Customer

    Nov 3, 2014
    I have been working some guiding issues with the PHD2 folks. Their software reports the image scale of the ST-i when guiding through the kit's cctv 100mm lens as "15.26 arc-sec/px".
    It is their stated opinion that this scale is too rough and is "ridiculous".
    I have not been dissatisfied with the performance of this guiding solution (I attach the kit to a TMB80 SS piggybacked on a Meade LX200). However, the ST-i probably won't last forever. I would like to know SBIG/Diffraction Limited's recommendation for a proper imaging scale for a guiding camera.
    --Pieter Strauss

    PS when imaging through the LX200 itself, I guide with the ST-i mounted in the 8300 OAG.
  2. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    What's the main imaging scope optical parameters?
    What mount do you have? (LX200 classic? LX200GPS? or a GEM?)
    It's not "ridiculous" if your seeing conditions are 1 to 2 arcsecond/pixel, as the guiding software should be using a centroid calculation.
    If you are doing high magnification stuff (e.g. 3000mm focal length), then it's not ideal, we'd recommend going off-axis with an SBIG StarChaser SC-2.
  3. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    You can easily guide at 20X lower resolution than the main camera. The guider algorithms use a centroid that can measure to much better than 1/10th a pixel.
  4. Pieter Strauss

    Pieter Strauss Cyanogen Customer

    Nov 3, 2014
    Sorry, forgot I needed to supply more info. In this case, the ST-i kit is hard mounted on a TMB80SS (80 mm, f6.3, focal length 504mm), and the 8300M with filterwheel is mounted on the TMB80SS. There is an Astrotech field flattener, then a spacer, then the 8300M. The TMB80SS is ring mounted (Losmandy rings) on a Losmandy plate bolted to the top of the LX200, which is the 10 inch ACF GPS model. So the ST-i is sending guiding images to PHD2 on a PC via USB, and PHD2 is sending the move information to the LX200 mount via a USB adapter and a serial cable. PHD2 now prefers to send guiding commands to the LX200, rather than have them go through the ST4 port. In PHD2 the ST-i is set to take 3 second images.

    For your information, PHD2 reports the following
    RA 3.49" (0.23 px)
    DEC 2.55" (0.17 px)
    Total 4.32" (0.28 px)

    Also FYI the problem I am working on is the fact that the TMB80SS produces star images which are flat on one side (the top, I believe). I have been working on this for 10 years, and think it is time for a new telescope!

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