STC-428-P Questions

Discussion in 'STC Series CMOS' started by doncarona, Nov 17, 2020.

  1. doncarona

    doncarona Standard User

    Oct 26, 2016
    Greetings Everyone,

    I was about to order the STC-428-P and decided to read the user manual first. It states that the only software supported is MaxIm LT and MaxIm DL in Windows. I have a few questions...

    1. Are the macOS and Linux drivers on the USB stick that comes with the camera? If not, can I get access to the drivers and SDK so I can see if I can easily adapt my macOS software for controlling the camera?

    2. Is there compatibility in the works for TheSkyX or at least an X2 Plugin?

    3. Has anyone attempted to serve this camera out to TheSkyX via EthSrvWin? If so, did it work?

    Thank You,
  2. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    The STC-428-P includes an ASCOM driver, so it will work with just about any Windows program including TheSkyX.

    We have macOS drivers available. They are currently being upgraded to support the newest cameras but that work should be done this week (maybe even today). They are available on request.

    EthSrvWin is not supported, as that utility was built for the old "SBIG Universal Driver" based cameras.
  3. doncarona

    doncarona Standard User

    Oct 26, 2016
    Thanks Doug.

    I was more interested in support for TheSkyX for macOS.

    I don't mind running a Windows computer with MaxIm LT temporarily to operate the camera so much. I have a LattePanda 864s that can more than handle the job...actually, it can run an entire observatory without breaking a sweat. Makes it nice with MS Remote Desktop from the Mac.

    I have 8 observatories to manage and zero interest in ASCOM. However, I'm happy to upgrade my macOS software to run the camera.

    I just need to decide whether I want to spend the money on something that may or may not have support in TheSkyX for macOS at some point. Eventually, this camera will be used in my remote observatory at high altitude in New Mexico and controlled from here in College Station, Texas. I need it to work.

    I like that you guys got into the CMOS business and really want this STC-428-P setup. If I decide to go with the purchase, I will make a request for the SDK and macOS/Linux drivers. I assume I just post again here with a formal request?

    I appreciate all you guys do!
  4. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    Yes, just ask here and we'll send you the link for the macOS drivers.

    X2 driver is in the work queue.

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