STF-8300C Bayer Filter

Discussion in 'STF Series CCD Cameras' started by jdtimm8492, May 20, 2015.

  1. jdtimm8492

    jdtimm8492 Standard User

    May 20, 2015
    I recently purchased the STF-8300C and am using Deep Sky Stacker to stack the raw FITS images. I want to be sure I am applying the correct Bayer pattern filter. Deep Sky Stacker has two SBIG cameras listed in their long list of cameras. They are the SBIG ST-2001XCM and the ST-2000XCM. Are either of these appropriate to apply to the STF-8300C? There are some "generic" filters as well, that I could apply if I knew the 8300C pattern. Thanks in advance for the help!
  2. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    The Bayer matrix is fundamentally the same in these sensors. At most you may have to adjust the color balance - which you really should do anyway.

    I can't speak in detail about third-party software that we've not evaluated, but the conversion algorithm for ST-2000 should work okay.

    Here is some information on how to measure your color balance and correct it: You should be able to achieve something similar with your software.
    jdtimm8492 likes this.
  3. rpineau

    rpineau Standard User

    Oct 10, 2014
    USA / CA
    The CFA pattern for the STF-8300M is RGGB
  4. EricC

    EricC Cyanogen Customer

    Jan 31, 2015
    I use the "SBIG S-2000XCM" camera in DSS for my STF-8300c. I can't tell any difference in that and the "SBIG-2001XCM" or "Generic BGGR" entries. I've tried "Generic RGGB" but the colors aren't as good.

    One way to determine which "Camera" entry to use and to set the color balance as Doug suggested is to take a picture of something colorful during the day - I used my neighbor's house with green grass, purple door, earth-toned bricks, etc. Then import it into DSS, click on its entry to open the picture, and adjust the brightness using the black, grey, and white triangles in the upper right. At this point ignore the color as it will likely be off - mine has a bad green tint.
    Now go to the "Raw/FITS DPP Settings..." link, then "FITS Files". Try various Cameras and "Colors Adjustment" settings, clicking on "Apply" after every change, and see what looks best. I use "Brightness" = 1, "Red scale" = 1.45, and "Blue scale" = 1.1.

    FYI, when I use Images Plus I use the "RGrGbB Generic +(1,1)" for Frame Type, which I believe means RGGB with an X and Y offset of 1.
    In MaxIm I use "Auto-select using header" for Camera (which I believe sets it to "SBIG" and Scaling % of Red=130, Green=86, and Blue=84.

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