STF8300M. Sudden Camera Error 8

Discussion in 'STF Series CCD Cameras' started by geza, Jun 2, 2017.

  1. geza

    geza Standard User

    Jun 17, 2016

    I get Camera Error 8 messages in Maxim DL 6 every ~60-90 frames, after the capture finishes and the frame is downloading. The frame is lost, and thus very frustrating if the error occurs after a light frame was captured.

    Driver: 4.97 build 2
    Laptop, no hub, always connected to same USB port on laptop, same cable as it has been for the last 3 years.

    The only difference between current captures and those from ~half a year ago (when I was not getting these errors) is that during a recent Firmware upgrade, I got a timeout error, so I had to send the camera in for repair. Bill flashed the latest firmware and now I get this issue.

    Is this an issue with the firmware?

  2. Tim

    Tim Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    Error 8 is "Receive timeout"....

    Is USB Power Management turned off for the camera in the Windows Device Manager?

    Although you said you have previously used the same USB ports/cables/PC ect. it is possible they can develop issues over time. I would recommend you eliminate these as a possible cause to be safe.

    Does the same issue occur if you test with different software like CCDOps?
  3. geza

    geza Standard User

    Jun 17, 2016
    Thanks for the suggestions. I'll give them a try and report back.
  4. geza

    geza Standard User

    Jun 17, 2016
    USB power management is turned off, and I still get the error "Transmission timeout" when using CCDOps. If you suspect the USB cable, what cable do you recommend?

    Also my camera firmware is 2.57 while the current version is 2.58. I would prefer to not update it because I always get a transmission timeout error when updating the firmware and that requires me to send the camera out.
  5. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Did you turn off USB Selective Suspend on the USB Root Hubs and any USB hubs or active repeater cables you may have, in addition to the device itself?
  6. geza

    geza Standard User

    Jun 17, 2016
    USB selective suspend is off, no active cables. All USB power management options are off.

    I highly doubt that it's due to system settings because I never change them. The only changes are (1) new driver and (2) new firmware. It was running fine for 2 years until I updated the driver and firmware.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2017
  7. Christopher Duffey

    Christopher Duffey Standard User

    Sep 16, 2016
    I get receive timeout errors on occasion as well and found a nice band-aid which you might be interested in. My system uses an USB extender which operates over a 100' long ethernet cable, as crazy as this sounds it is 1000 times more reliable than the best USB cables money can buy - even a 3 foot cable direct connected to my laptop. I can go 1000 frames or more without seeing a receive timeout error and then get 5 in row, sometimes I don't see them for months. My problem is that when they occur the whole systems stops waiting for me to acknowledge the error dialog box, potentially losing hours worth of collection time, to that end I found a free utility called ClickOff, this program monitors for any program generated errors or dialog windows and them automatically presses the "OK" button on the error pop-up - in my case ClickOff looks for a window named "SBIG Error" and then presses the button labeled "OK". Since I installed it, it has auto-clicked the dialog 2 times - This is probably not a good solution if you get the errors on every transfer but for the occasional random error it is fantastic !
  8. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Which OS are you running (e.g. Win 10 64bit Creator Edition 1703) ??

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