It’s like Joni Mitchell says in Paved Paradise “ you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone “ I have been through many new computer installations for the above system without to much trouble , However this latest installation has tested my patience to my limit I NEED HELP WITH THIS I have Updated the windows 32 bit XP PRO to SP3 ,confirmed the C+++redistributables are updated , down loaded SBIG drive checker and CCDOPS , I had to manually add driver to WINDOWS /SYSTEM/3r2/ CLASSIC thru Device Manager ,I am getting the message Code 10 device will not start . The computer is not recognizing the camera ,I have to add it manually then update the driver in device manager . Now before my last computer failed , This Camera worked flawlessly, one thing I did notice in the system information listing.the address for the driver had extra characters at the front of the address ie. instead of C:/ windows /system it was listed as //.C:/windows/system ,does any of this make any sense to anyone out there ??? The Telescope is a 14 “ RCX 400 , but THAT is a story for @nother day …. Glenn
It has been recommended by someone with a lot more insight into these things than myself that my OS is a little long in the tooth ,Windows 10 or higher would apparently be more appropriate so I will get a newer computer and see how that goes !!! Glenn