Hello, after a two year rest of my SBIG STX16803 camera, I had a issue when I tried to use the STX again. My setup is Maxim DL 6.16 and I updated the SBIG drivers - and the main camera is working well, but when I make a image with the internal guider chip - the image is completly black (ADU 0). This screenshot show the setup and images .. https://www.astro-images.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/maximdl_stx-1.png I checke the camera setup - here I use the dual chip check box, but the image stays black. I would appreciate your support here. Maybe it is a silly config issue I just have forgotten to set. Thanks in advance! Best wishes, Michael
Hello Doug, ok, no problem - here is the AutoGuider-Image. https://www.astro-images.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/Autoguider-Image.zip I had to put it in a ZIP file, inside it's a FITS image. I hope that works for you. Best wishes, Michael
Okay it actually is all zero value. That means there is no video signal coming from the chip. First thing to check - make sure you have set the camera to use the internal guide sensor. You might want to ZIP and upload your MaxIm DL settings; zip the folder Documents\MaxIm DL 6\Settings and upload here. Most likely that is the problem. The only other likely cause is a hardware failure of some kind... hopefully not that.
Hello Doug, thanks for your answer - I have built the ZIP file with the Maxim Settings as you said. Here is the file https://www.astro-images.de/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/MaximDL-Settings_Michael.zip I hope this is helpful for your further analysis. What I can say is, that I activated the tick in the "Dual Chip Mode" in the camera setup menue. So I am afraid that the chance for an guider chip hardware error is rather high. Best wishes, Michael
Yes, Dual Chip Mode is set, and the autoguider chip is set to Internal in the Setup. Both are correct. You are running a very old version of MaxIm DL, which has some known issues with the current SBIG drivers. You should try installing an older version of the SBIG Universal Drivers. Please see: https://forum.diffractionlimited.com/threads/sbig-driver-checker-versions.9477/ If that does not resolve the issue, then it will probably have to go in for service. Contact @Bill, email bill at sbig dot com.
Hello Doug, I have done as described - so with the old SBIG drivers and my old version of Maxim DL it is also not working- The guider image is all ADU Zero - black. Fyi - the STX firmware ist curretn , but I think this is not an issue .. https://www.astro-images.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/sbigdriverchecker_firmware.png And I also noted from my test that the main camera is also defect. When I do an expose, I can see that the shutter is opening correectly - but whatever exposure time I choos, I also get a camera image with a noise level of 800 ADU. Here is the FITS file .. https://www.astro-images.de/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/STX_CCD-Capture.zip It looks as I have to face the fact that the STX 16803 is defect - with a dead guider chip and an defect main chip. What are my possible next steps? Contact Bill about a possible send in the STX? The camera is out of warranty, is there a chance for a repair - for such an error? Best wishes, Michael
Yes, your main sensor is indeed not working. It looks like you're not getting any video signal from the sensor at all. That is just the noise floor of the A/D converter itself. The main and guide sensors share some electronics. They also get power from the same place. A single failure probably caused both issues. Bill should be able to fix this. We still have replacement parts for most things, including CCD socket cards, power supply boards, and analog boards. CCDs are no longer available, but unless your chamber was soaking wet and everything in there corroded it is unlikely for those to have failed.
Hello Doug ok thanks - the analysis has some progress, at least. My STX was not mounted at a telescope, but was left in a warm and cosy Box. The Electronics should not be impacted by corrosion in and way. And I always used the SBIG standard power supply. I think to replace the board with the onboard power devices would make sense Shall I contact Bill (how?) to ask for this? And I also want to know about costs, of course. Best wishes Michael
It will require diagnosis, not just swapping boards. You can email @Bill at bill at sbig dot com. He may also respond to this thread.
Yes, sure - my Intention is to learn about the possibilty, and the costs. I will write Bill a email Today. thanks for your assistance. best wishes Michael
Hello just to close this thread - Bill has answered my email, the STX will be shipped to SBG tomorrow - to check and if possible to replace the boards. best wishes, Michael