I cannot find the specifications or brochure for the STXL 16200 camera in the Retired and Legacy Model archives. Is there some way I can get a copy of this ? I am also interested in getting the technical specifications for the KAF 16200 sensor, and if I remember correctly, these were given in the camera specifications page. Mike
Product overview of STX and STXL cameras: https://diffractionlimited.com/downloads/STX-STXLOverview.pdf Sensor datasheet: https://www.onsemi.com/download/data-sheet/pdf/kaf-16200-d.pdf
Thanks, Doug I have a quick follow-up question about this sensor. I do not see the sensor gain (electrons per ADU) anywhere in either of these documents. Is there another term for this ? Mike
Look at any image FITS header from the camera, it will include EGAIN. You can also get that information from CCDOPS.
Thanks! (Though our Thanksgiving is in October. It is after all a harvest festival, and our harvest is earlier!)