STXL-16200 with filter wheel, no images from guider

Discussion in 'STX and STXL Series Cameras' started by Craig Tupper, Jun 23, 2024 at 12:19 AM.

  1. Craig Tupper

    Craig Tupper Standard User

    Apr 4, 2019
    Hello, any help appreciated. Camera serial number is X16120001. Filter wheel serial number is a bit scratched up but I believe it is XZ14030061.

    I'm running a fresh install of MaxIm 6.26, my last paid version, after a few years away from imaging. I may upgrade to the latest version soon.

    Everything seems to be working, except any light, dark, or bias images taken using the guider chip come back blank, all pixel values =0.

    Things I've noticed that seem odd or questionable:

    1) The SBIG Driver Checker reports that all of my drivers are up to date, all dated 9-15-23. But when I get the Firmware version, I get this, which looks odd as one of my firmware files is newer than the release version, and one of them is unknown:


    2) In MaxIm SBIG Universal Camera Setup, I see this. I can apparently only connect to the (unknown?) firmware version stx????.bf2.


    3) Filter wheel setup is odd. For Camera 1, filter wheel setup is per the manual:


    But for Camera 2, I have to choose model CFW-8 to (seemingly) establish a camera connection. If instead I choose Standard, then this error is thrown when I try to establish a connection to the camera:


  2. JoshuaHufford

    JoshuaHufford Cyanogen Customer

    Oct 10, 2014
    I had a similar problem with my STT-8300 and self guiding filter wheel, any images from the guide camera had a value of 0 for all pixels. It turned out to be a bad HDMI cable between the camera and filter wheel. I bought a cheap replacement HDMI cable and despite being brand new it did not work, same result. I had to use a hood quality cable for everything to work properly.

    Also the tension pins that keep the cable tight on both my camera and filter wheel had become loose and the cable would not stay properly seated. I took a tiny screwdriver and very carefully bent these pins out just a very small amount, now the cable stays securely in place.
  3. Craig Tupper

    Craig Tupper Standard User

    Apr 4, 2019
    Thanks, Joshua. I was hopeful you were right about the HDMI cable, but sadly I just tried 2 others and no luck, I still get the error message when trying to connect to a Standard filter wheel.

    Before I start buying new cables I think I'll see if the good folks at DL, or anyone else, has another idea.
  4. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    SBIG Driver Checker:
    Make sure you have version 4.05. Check that on [About/Help]
    Driver versions are as follows:

    I don't know what is going on with your firmware. I think you have an old driver checker/driver versions or something corrupt.

    The current version is 6.50.

    Camera 1 needs to have Dual Chip turned on, instead of setting up Camera 2.
    Camera 1 setup needs to have Guider set to External Remote, because the guider in the filter wheel is connected to the external remote guide head port.
    OTHERWISE you will get all zero values, because it is talking to non-existent hardware.

    Filter Wheel 1 is SBIG Universal, Standard.
    NO filter wheel for Camera 2.
    Similar to these screen shots:

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