Symmetrical Grid Pattern in STF8300M Flat Fields

Discussion in 'STF Series CCD Cameras' started by Robert Hamlin, May 16, 2016.

  1. Robert Hamlin

    Robert Hamlin Standard User

    May 13, 2016
    To Whom it May Concern

    I have been taking flats with narrowband filters with LED lightbox. Symmetrical Grid patterns appear in the flats that dont go away with dark reduction or with stacking.

    Steps Taken:

    1. Updated drivers
    2. Connected to camera with CCDOPS
    1. Bought new USB cable for STF8300 connection
    2. Tried different computer usb ports
    3. Removed Reducer and shot flats
    4. Flipped mirrored surface of HA & SII filters in the filter wheel
    5. Disconnected PC from mains power while taking flats
    1. Tungsten lamp also tried instead of LED
    1. 30-40% ADU ideal exposure observed

    I have attached a screenshot below of what I see.

    Shot in CCDOPS, then reduced in CCDSoft.
    Flat Dark reduced then stacked via median combine ~5 flat frames

    Any feedback or troubleshoot ideas would be thoroughly appreciated

    With my Regards

    Robert Hamlin

    Attached Files:

  2. Tim

    Tim Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    Can you send a full frame FITS image to examine?

    Does the issue occur both before and after calibration?

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