This image is a composite shot of about 2 hours worth of imaging. All images were taken using MaximDL and I edited the shot in both MaximDL and Photoshop CS3. Scope and cameras were fully automated by MaximDL. In fact it is good enough that I am now able to sit in my media room upstairs and run the whole show from my couch! I only wish I could put in a permanent pier and dome so I could keep everything setup all the time! Here are the specs on my setup: Meade LX-90 OTA 8" Orion Sirius EQ-G Goto Mount. Canon Rebel XS DSLR Camera (Astro-Modified/No Internal IR filter) Astronomik IR/UV Cut filter 2" Orion Skyglow Photographic Filter 2" Orion Autoguider with 1.25" UV/IR Cut filter (Orion) Orion Mini 50MM guide scope MaximDL 5.24 for automating and controlling everything plus Editing/Combining. 50 Ft. Active repeater USB cable and USB 3.0 powered Hub attached to the mount.