TheSky X and AFW filter wheel

Discussion in 'Filter Wheels' started by Lord_Kyron, Feb 24, 2025.

  1. Lord_Kyron

    Lord_Kyron Cyanogen Customer

    Mar 21, 2016
    I have just installed TheSkyX to control a Dome (OK), Gemini mount (OK) a Pegasus focuser (OK) SC3 guider (OK) and an STX16803 (OK). What remains is to get the SBIG AFW-10-50SQ filter wheel running. I tried both the ASCOM driver and the SBIG Auto for TheSkyX and neither will talk to the filter wheel. I noticed that the software thinks that the controlling camera for the filter wheel is the SC3. It returns the value: SCE1300M+22051808, instead of the STX116803 as the controlling camera. How do I make this function correctly?
  2. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    You may have to ask Software Bisque for help with their software.
    Normally, Camera = SBIG, and you select the STX from there. Filter Wheel would normally be plugged into the STX. They might need to add an option for the 10,12,and 16 position AFW wheels.
    Autoguider = ASCOM = DL Imaging Camera 1 = SC3.

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