It would be good if you told us a bit more information. I'll try to help. If you are running Windows. The best way to do this right now is to have TheSkyX control the camera through MaxIm, and to select the camera in MaxIm as DL Imaging, and pick the correct camera in the configration. First, make sure you can control the camera in MaxIm. If that isn't working yet, go to the Download tab for you Aluma camera. Get the latest DL Imaging package here: Configure the camera with the Configuration Utility. Install MaxIm. On the Camera Control tab, select Camera 1, and pick DL Imaging. Hit Advanced and choose your camera. Take some test images in MaxIm to make sure it is working. In TheSkyX: Get the latest Daily Build of the TheSky X (10.5.0 daily build 12034). On the Camera tab: Camera Setup Diffraction Limited - MaxIm DL's Camera Good luck, and thank you for being a customer!
In addition to interfacing via MaxIm DL Pro, we are working on an ASCOM interface for the Aluma cameras. If Bisque wishes to support Aluma natively, we can provide our new API. This interface will also be used for all new camera models.
I'm not sure what that means; it's some kind of internal TheSkyX error. Maybe Colin has an idea? One thought - right-click on the MaxIm DL program icon and select Run As Administrator. Then close the program and start normally. That will ensure that your COM/ActiveX configuration is set properly in the Registry.
Good suggestion Doug. If that doesn't fix it, we'll nee more information. Tell us about your entire configuration - mount, main imaging camera, guide camera, focuser, operating system, ASCOM version and drivers, everything. How is the hardware connected? Can you give us a photo of all of your equipment? Is the camera connected using USB? Or WiFi ? Did you confirm you can get an image from the camera just using MaxIm DL ? How are you guiding? Are you using MaxIm to do the guiding with a second camera, or are you using TSX? If you are trying to guide with TSX through Maxim, you might want to disable that (select no guider), until we confirm that TSX is able to get images from the Aluma via MaxIm. That error usually comes up when TSX cannot talk to a serial port device, such as a focuser. This may be a TSX issue being unable to open a serial port or other device. Did you also post on the Software Bisque forum?
Its a Paramount MX+ connected via USB cable to the Aluma. The camera works using Maxim DL. We have the Aluma remote guide head not connected yet. The OS Windows 7 pro. We are beginning trying to connect the Aluma to TheSkyX. The moun is working. No alignment yet.
Connect the Aluma USB cable directly to the computer, not through the Paramount MX+. The USB hub on the Paramount MX+ Versa Plate doesn't work well with many high performance cameras (Ours and many other brands). It is good for focusers and other lower speed devices. Many people run a separate USB cable through the mount, or attach them externally.
That's not what you said in the previous post. Please answer the other questions. I don't have an Aluma here at home to try this out right now. Maybe next week.
Sorry. It is connected directly to the computer. The camera is connected via USB. No WiFi. I can get an image using Maxim DL I'm not trying to guide yet.
Ok, that's fine. Thank you. In TSX, remove the guider. Let's try it like this: (Click to see full size).
I did it. I remove the guider. No connection. First intent to connect: error 206 (command failed). After that: error 201 (Could not open communication port)
Oh... now I think I know what is wrong. Are you running MaxIm LT or MaxIm DL Pro ? TheSky X requires MaxIm DL Pro. (It says MaxIm DL in their manual).
Ok. LT does not have scripting support from other programs. Let me contact my team. This may have to wait until regular business hours Monday (am on Eastern Standard Time (UTC -5).
There is an important update to the Aluma drivers available. Please see
Colin: I have an Aluma3200 and FW8G filter wheel. Everything works in MaximDL6.2. I've selected Maxim DL's Camera under TheSkyX Camera Setup as indicated above. What would I select under the autoguider camera setup AND under the filter wheel setup? Haven't got those working yet in TheSkyX 12034. Tried an ascom option and SBIG option without success. Ken