Unable to authenticate your request for MaxIm LT Email

Discussion in 'Forum and Web Site Issues' started by Mohamad Danial Othman, Jan 3, 2023.

  1. Mohamad Danial Othman

    Mohamad Danial Othman Standard User

    Mar 16, 2021

    I have just received a camera STF8050M in Langkawi National Observatory. However, the camera was purchased through a company because we could not do direct purchase. So, what details should I use for the Maxim LT registration? LNO details or the company that purchased it from Diffraction Limited? Can I give the camera serial number here or through direct message?

    I have tried using the LNO details but I received the "Unable to authenticate" message.

    Thank you for your help
  2. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    You need to use your own details. Make sure you are entering the camera serial number accurately.

    Please send me your serial number so I can check it.

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