I have the STX 16200 camera and I am using windows 10, 64 bit operating software. I have recently noticed that my images (exposures less then 5 minutes as shown below) have part of the frame unevenly illuminated. I am taking images in dark skies but still get this irritating illumination no matter where I point the camera. Can you tell me what is going on?
Also, please describe your setup - eg do you have an AO-X, FW8G-STXL self guiding filter wheel, which filters, and how connected to the telescope.
Attached are the images you requested. I am using the STX 16200 with the AO-X and the SB-FW8G-ALUMA 8 filter wheel. Also I have a Astro-physics focal reducer 27TVPH in front of the camera
The image you supplied is NOT unprocessed - it had a kernel filter applied. The dark frame doesn't look right - it's mostly all zeros. The bright pattern in the light frame looks optical - I can see shadowing in part of the frame. First step - update all drivers, firmware, and software.