using STLX 6303 with Filter Wheel Error Code

Discussion in 'STX and STXL Series Cameras' started by chris B, Mar 28, 2018.

  1. chris B

    chris B Cyanogen Customer

    Nov 18, 2014
    Worcester UK

    Still trying to sort out my SBIG to image using the SkyX Pro.
    I get an error code SBIG driver: Bad parameter.Error =30006 when trying to take a photo using the Autoguide tab BUT NOT when using the autoguide tab within the main camera tab section. Just can not take a series of main imaging as assume it is using the main chip to autoguide at that point?

    I must be doing something wrong but been stuck for weeks on this and when I do get clear skies here can not get it to work.

    Just need someone to sort this out for me please.

  2. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Hi Chris,
    I'm an SBIG and TSX customer like you.
    Suggest you start by checking the version of TSX you are using - latest on Windows is 10.5.0 Daily Build 11360. It's worth upgrading if you're not already at that build level, as there have been a ton of fixes.
    30006 corresponds to an SBIG driver error 6, which isnt too helpful. You might want to post this on the Bisque support forum after checking your version.
    You may need to go into the advanced preferences of TSX and enable the extended camera capabilities so you can manipulate the guider more effectively.

    If you want some more help, a lot more information will be needed, such as WHICH SBIG camera, are you using an external autoguider, remote guide head, or guide chip next to the main chip in the camera.
    And anything about your environment. Such as did you download the latest SBIG Driver Checker, and check for driver updates and firmware updates?
    Does CCDOPs work?
  3. chris B

    chris B Cyanogen Customer

    Nov 18, 2014
    Worcester UK
    Hi Colin,
    Thanks for coming back.
    TSX is up to date with the latest build and in the Preferences, Advanced section the Camera has the Advanced Camera user interface set as True.
    The "Separate interface for autoguider's devices" box has not been ticked.
    I am using the STXL 6303 camera with the built in autoguider chip and 8 position filter wheel.
    All my Camera software is current according to the SBIG Driver Checker.

    Hope that may help?
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2018
  4. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    Do you get this error if you operate it with CCDOPS?

    I'm not sure what SkyX error codes mean. If it's actually an SBIG Error 6 then it means "Bad Parameter". That is usually caused by an improper message being sent to the camera. The fact that this happens in only certain operating modes suggests an application software problem. I might suggest you contact Bisque for assistance.
  5. chris B

    chris B Cyanogen Customer

    Nov 18, 2014
    Worcester UK
    Hi Doug,

    Thanks for your input and as you intimate it does seem to be a Bisque issue as following your idea it does not show up when using CCDOPS.

    Will give it a try over on the Bisque site and see what comes from that then.

    MaximDl works with the tracking and will most defiantly sick with that for acquisition, sequence and processing as this has always been my software of choice.

    Any new updates in the pipeline?


  6. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    Yes there will be a small update shortly. Bigger things are in the works but will take a while.

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