Hi everyone, as summer is approaching, I am considering to use the water cooling system for my ST8. As it is an old second-hand camera, I wonder if there is any check to do to be sure that there are no internal leakages which will damage the camera. And which water pump is suggested for this application. Thanks.
For a pump I used a "comet elegant 12v submersible water pump". If you search for that sources will be found. The water is pulled from the bottom and comes out the top. There is a small wire connection on the 2'nd fitting for 12V DC. It's operated as a submersible pump w/o ill effect. In summer night temps here can be 30to 35c so water cooling helps. Also the camera electronics stay cooler. Make sure the water connecti0ons can't break loose. The STL-1100 was cooling beautifully and it slowly starting warming up. Found out one hose connection let loose and all the water pumped "overboard". Luckily it hit any equipment. As a quick check for leaks I would think one could block one end of the camera water ports and try to blow air into the other. GL // Tim