Hi! I'm about to analyse some noise behavior of our STL1001E camera, but I cannot find the information I need in the operating manual. In the data sheet for the KAF-1001E chip (e.g.http://www.astro.uu.se/grundutb/wt/images/KAF-1001ERev.2.0.pdf) the specific periods for calculating the readout time (t_readout) is given (sec. 3.4 t_pix, t_phiHS, t_phiV), but in order to get the correct timing of each pixel in my situation I need to know what frequencies (periods) the STL1001E camera actually uses. /ola
Are there no one who can take a look at the blue print or specs for the camera? I can't imagine it would be that difficult to find these periods. Or must I dismantle our camera and measure these signals my self. /ola
Per the manual, the clock rate on the STL is 425,000 pixels per second. We do not release detailed technical information on the inner workings of our cameras.