M16 SDMask stacking to reduce ISO1600 'banding'

Discussion in 'My Astrophotos' started by ROBERT T SCHAEFER JR, May 2, 2019.


    ROBERT T SCHAEFER JR Cyanogen Customer

    May 13, 2018
    Four images stacked as SDMask in MaximDL Pro and this one was 2-Passes and SigmaFactor 0.10 without IgnoreOver and Normalization: 25% using Linear . The Log showed that 10,000,000 pixels of 24,000,000 pixels had Median applied to them . x CCDWare.com website has a Manual section and 'Stacking' is a good PDF file to read and talks about Sigma and Normalization and 'pixel rejection' .x
    This is the last evaluation for M16 with … it looks like some low dark area banding is there so ISO3200
    might be better .
    Linear seems a little better than Delta-Level … all images were "Equalize Stretch" to the first image .x

    The Baader Fringe Killer filter was used which is probably a reflective type filter when you look at it … like
    a Lumicon DeepSky so photons might have a hard time getting thru and needs a longer exposure … but a
    Lumicon Minus-Violet filter is easy to see thru and a lesser exposure might work .. but they say use a little
    longer exposure with the Minus-Violet .x

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