Doug, I have my filters in and the images look dirty. I have to tear the system apart again. Apparently these very expensive filters ship...
Hey Doug, please see my question on filters..... not sure the SBIG side is monitored so much: Have the new Astrodon filters to replace my...
Have new Astrodon filters to replace my Baaders. The Baaders were installed with an O-ring. The Astrodon’s look thicker. Is there a different...
So it is cloudy out here and doing maintenance... had funny sounds in the fans so got replacements and decided to try to put them in.... Take the...
Hi, I upgraded to 6.16 yesterday and the guiding was not affected. Here is the tracking data from last night for a couple images. These were...
Where is 6.16 located? Change log? I am running the Beta so not sure how to install.
Guys, I am running 6.14 Beta 11 and have been searching for a solution for this. Here is some more documentation. The attached excel file is a...
Hi Doug, I chatted with Bill yesterday and although there is no procedure, let me tell you what we worked out and we think is the tentative fix....
Well, it went off again tonight. Is there are set of procedures to adjust the tension correctly?
PS The sucker is still guiding at 1030PM... beddy bye. Lousy seeing makes it hard to evaluate quality of guiding.... but can't blame Maxim for...
Fingers crossed. Ran CCD Ops and seemed to run better. Then adjusted nut on belt to loosen and it worked better but still stuttered. Tightened...
Thanks Doug... how do you loosen the tension? Nut on top? I can move it all with my fingers.. i.e. rotate the gears...
Hi, last couple nights Maxim has died on a filter wheel error. Thought it was software 'till I went upstairs and checked it it made some...
Yes, think we are in the same boat. You saw my post and screen shots. I saw one tonight with multi-star but it seemed to ignore the error in offset.
Diug, solution was to run as Admin. Updated and system back up and running. Thx.
I tried to update the driver and says cannot because file in use....
I see in the Maxim release notes: SBIG: Added RBI Preflash support for STT series cameras (requires both SBIG Universal Driver and firmware...
Thanks Doug. The Darks and the Bias I ran last night were all over exposed. i must have screwed up the maxim settings. Been a long time since I...
Hello, I have been running my STT at -20 rather than -30 because was suggested it mattered little and that it drew less current and system might...
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