THESE INSTRUCTIONS SUPERSEDE ALL PREVIOUS INSTRUCTIONS Mac users who updated to macOS 10.15.5 (+Supplemental) Catalina will not be able to...
Sorry, I want to be more clear. The "files" that need to be copied are: These go to /System/Library/Extensions SBIGUSBEDriver.kext...
Stop the presses everyone! I found a fix, but I don't have time to write it all down in step-by-step format right now. Starting a new research...
Colin and Stan, It looks like macOS Catalina Update 10.15.5 (+ Supplemental) has broken the installer's ability to register the I/O...
Hi Stan, I am running 10.15.5 as well and haven't had any issues connecting with the cameras. I'll test the installation process again as soon as...
If you didn't include the '/', you would have been presented with a list of the current disks attached to the computer. This is because the '-u'...
Hi Kit. If you still have questions about SIP, you can find answers here: I have not had the message you...
That is outstanding Stan. Very glad I could be of help!
That is an outstanding image Doug and excellent representation of how well the StarChaser manages guiding. Any idea if the StarChaser SC-2 and...
While I have not seen any issues with our STF-8300M cameras (possibly because these came after my solution), I did see the same problem with the...
Good. I just tested it by enabling SIP on my desktop computer and got the same error message you reported when attempting to make the system...
I haven't had this experience, but I'm guessing it's because System Integrity Protection (SIP) is enabled. To determine if it is enabled: 1. Open...
@Stanley Fertig ... Just successfully tested kStars, Ekos, INDI on a MacBook Pro running macOS 10.15 (Catalina) with native SBIG drivers installed...
The installation method for SBIG drivers in Catalina that I previously submitted should allow you to use kStars and INDI directly from your...
Hi Stan. There are a number of solutions like this on the market now, but it doesn't solve the central issue discussed here, which is native USB...
Hi Roy. Sorry for the delay. The manual install was a dead-end, but if you read my last post, I did solve the problem and SBIG cameras can be...
CATALINA ISSUE SOLVED So, I read a few Apple white papers regarding Catalina last night and it was clear to me that while kext is deprecated, it...
Hi Colin et al. Maybe we should look at this from a different approach. At the low end, macOS is just a UNIX computer. It should be possible to...
Thanks for the quick response Colin! I'm sure there are others out there wondering the same thing and you've answered perfectly. We have just...
Greetings, Any word on when a new driver installer will be ready for macOS 10.15 (Catalina)? Since Catalina runs on a dedicated read-only system,...
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