Tim, I submitted the RMA. Thank you for your assistance.
Tim, The serial # for the filter wheel I purchased in May 2022 is FWX210308. The serial number for the other filter wheel is 1307. Thanks
Colin, Hope all is well. Just wanted to make you aware of an issue I am having with the STX filter wheel that was repaired along with the new one...
Colin, Hope all is well. I wanted to reach out to you and ask about the camera repair. I sent the camera, AO, STX, FLI Research Grade SHO LRGB...
Colin, Let's table this one for now until I can get the shutter issue resolved. Hopefully, it will be a quick turnaround. Thanks Omar
Colin, Thanks for getting back to me. I was able to replicate the issue using different imaging applications. I tried contacting Bill two days ago...
Colin, Here is another issue I am having with the STX External Guider. Following the documentation, I set up the guide parameters. The calibration...
Colin, Looks like I experienced the Shutter error again. I was in the process of taking 10-minute subs. The first one exposed perfectly. The...
Colin, Thank you for spending the time reviewing the settings with me this morning. I am currently in the process of capturing a sequence of dark...
Doug, Thank you for the update. When the filters were installed I followed the procedure as described in the documentation. The carousel does not...
I contacted Bill about the filter wheel and he indicated that he does not have parts. In regards to the camera, it would be more of a health check...
Good morning Colin, I'm thinking about possibly sending the equipment I have in for a complete health check. Along with the filter wheel for...
Hi Colin, So we finally had a chance to test the camera, mount, and connections. I will say that we made a change to the camera connection....
Hi Colin, Unfortunately, clouds rolled in so it was a no go. Weather looks favorable for tonight. Omar
Colin, We were able to capture roughly three hours of dark frame data at 300 second per exposure, -20c with 2x Bin with no errors. Looks like the...
Collin, I ran a series of 200 darks at 15 Seconds, 3x Bin in SkyX using the Diffraction Limited MaximDL Camera driver. The sequence ran...
USB Power Management Update: Well, I stand corrected. I went back and reviewed USB Serial Bus Controllers there was one were Power Management was...
Colin, Thanks for you getting back to me. We have been troubleshooting this for the last few nights so were able provide you the information...
Correction. error codes received with selecting either Sbig w\Ao or Sbig driver driver in TSX was 30032. Again the error occurred while capturing...
Hello, I am having an issue with the Sbig 16803 and TSX. In particular when running a T-point model I receive an 30022 error code and the camera...
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