AC4040 FSI Horizontal banding

Discussion in 'Aluma AC Series CMOS' started by Mark Marfoglia, Jul 24, 2024.

  1. Mark Marfoglia

    Mark Marfoglia Cyanogen Customer

    Oct 19, 2014
    Montreal, Quebec, Canada
    I solved a couple of things:
    I am now able to set the Gain. The problem was my drivers that did not load properly.
    I figured out that te RDNOISE and GAIN fields come from CCDAP which I use to control Maxim.

    So to remove CCDAP from the equation I ran a sequence of 11 400s exposures in Ha at a lower Gain of 1500, dithering 20 pixels, and took fresh darks. The banding is still there at a level I believe is too much to process out as mentioned above.

    Spending time in the observatory beside the camera I noticed that the fan vibrates more than my other SBIG cameras, and more than I expect from a sensitive device. So much that I hear noises from the filter wheel. How much is too much? Could this be a contributor to the banding?

    Here is a link to the files:
  2. Mark Marfoglia

    Mark Marfoglia Cyanogen Customer

    Oct 19, 2014
    Montreal, Quebec, Canada
    Can someone please tell me if this level of banding is normal for this camera?
    I would also appreciate an answer about the acceptable level of vibration.
    I have had this camera for a year now and am unable to take useful images with it. I may be me, but I repeat, my AC4040 BSI does not have these issues. I need to decide whether to continue my efforts, get this repaired, or move on.
  3. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Mark, I've asked @Doug to take a look, because I am not seeing the issue, and want his expert opinion.

    If the fan is vibrating excessively, has it been inspected for dirt/insect buildup on the fan blades?
    If it needs to come in for repair or warranty service, please fill in:
  4. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    Line noise is a fact of life for CMOS imagers. That is why MaxIm DL has a Band Reduction command. I applied it to your images and got the following result after stacking:

  5. Mark Marfoglia

    Mark Marfoglia Cyanogen Customer

    Oct 19, 2014
    Montreal, Quebec, Canada
    Thank you for this, and I admit I had not tried Band Reduction on this new data because it did not completely remove the bands on my previous data. I did it now with the same positive result. This means that the extra care I took, reducing the Gain, cooling for 45 mins, etc. worked. Many thanks. This means that although it is more work, I can indeed take narrow band, which is a relief.
    I will take a look at my fan blades but my thinking is I don’t want to send it in now that I can use it. I still am surprised my BSI does not require this extra step, but at this point I have to let it go. These chips are not easy to work with.
    Thanks again for your patience.

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