Hi there - This is my first post but I'm a longtime user that is setting up legacy SBIG products on a new computer. When I tried to download the legacy SBIG driver checker and CCDOPS 5 off the Diffraction Limited site (example: https://diffractionlimited.com/product/st-i/) it tries to point to the FTP site above but the connection keeps timing out. As it happens, I still had the driver checker on another machine, so I copied it, but when I ran the software and tried downloading the actual drivers, it again failed. Is that server coming back online anytime soon? TIA!
It's working fine for me - the server is up and running. Try putting the URL into your web browser - eg. Firefox.
Hi there, and thank you for the prompt reply. I've tried ftp://ftp.sbig.com/pub/SetupDriverChecker64.exe in IE and Chrome with all security settings completely disabled and the connection repeatedly times out. I did already happen to have the EXE on another computer and have installed it, and then clicked the update button inside the application. Same result - it gives me the following message: "Error on connecting to SBIG servers: 0 If you have a firewall enabled try disabling it and Download again"
Not an issue on our end as far as we can tell - could be a problem with your internet service provider. From a command prompt, can you: ping ftp.sbig.com I tried it with IE just now, works fine from my home.
Ping worked fine from command prompt but when I try to FTP from command prompt, I get the same problem - connection timeout. Turns out you were probably right - CenturyLink does appear to block FTP traffic. When I VPN into my observatory machine which is on a different carrier, everything works. Thanks again!