Filter Wheel Issues

Discussion in 'Filter Wheels' started by Sreilly, Oct 26, 2024.

  1. Sreilly

    Sreilly Cyanogen Customer

    Oct 10, 2014
    Hey Colin,

    I powered up and checked for software updates (drivers) and think that's good but on the Firmware side there was one that needed to be updated, STXga.bf2. V254 from version 251. Afterwards I rebooted the system and tried to connect using the "Universal" FW selection and it did connect. So hopefully I'll be able to test in the next few days to confirm it is working. I'll take a few short exposures with the flat panel using luminance then Ha. Should show a big difference from the same short exposure........
  2. Sreilly

    Sreilly Cyanogen Customer

    Oct 10, 2014
    Well this is an on again off again issue but more off these days. I've checked the connections and they are fine. In fact while the camera is powered I will connect/disconnect the cable to and from the STX and take the c0ver off the backside motor to see the wheel turn. This happens each time power is restored (plugged back into the camera). But not necessarily when trying to connect in MaxIm. Sometimes I don't hear the filter wheel turn like I do when it has just been powered. I don't think it's in the filter wheel connection on the cable as it is firmly attached. The camera's side uses like a serial port connector which appears to be in good shape. The cable doesn't show signs of any issues, wear, or cuts. I haven't taken the camera off the telescope or attempted to open it but the female connector looks fine with no corrosion or dirt. Drivers are all up to date and I'm using MaxIm version 6.50. The startup script is run via ACP Scheduler.

    Once the filter wheel makes the connection to MaxIm it seems to operate fine. It's getting it to connect.......

    Suggestions/ideas welcomed.
  3. Sreilly

    Sreilly Cyanogen Customer

    Oct 10, 2014
    So the past two days the connection to the filter wheel failed during startup as has become the norm these days. I wen out yesterday with power on to the camera and took the cable from the filter wheel off and re-plugged into the camera (STX-16803), heard the filter wheel rotate then move slightly back. Went back to MaxIm and hit connect again and was connected. Same issue this afternoon and this time did the same, waited for the rotation to stop and tried to connect again. No good but the second disconnect/reconnect did result in a connection. So I want to believe that the connection is the issue. I think the cable is fine but maybe the connector or the socket has an issue. I have a product called DeoxIT D5 made for electronic connections cleaner. Any idea if this is safe to use in this case? I wouldn't try doing this while powered up but would it be wise if not powered?
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2024
  4. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Deoxit isn't going to solve the problem. And it may contaminate the optics.
    Power it all off.
    The DB9 contacts will wipe themselves when removed and reinserted.
    Unless there is visible corrosion (rust, or white powdery oxide), there's no point to that.

    Have you pulled the equipment off the scope, and put it on the workbench?

    Take the lid of the filter wheel.
    Power it up, and watch what is happening.
    The filter wheel should spin to the home position #1 filter.

    Powered off, you can manually move it slowly, to see if it rotates freely.
    You might have insects moved in, or the motor drive to the carousel may be slipping/loose/damage.
  5. Sreilly

    Sreilly Cyanogen Customer

    Oct 10, 2014
    Yes Colin, I had done that in the beginning. I started by taking the cover off the motor location, 3 very small screws on that cover and looking at the wheel turn without issue. I was able to get it to turn by unplugging the fw cable then replug. Never caused any strange noises or failed to turn. The last two times I unplugged the cable once and it reconnected then last night it took twice. Stays connected the entire session as far as I've seen. It's the initial connection that is the issue.
  6. Joseph Busch

    Joseph Busch Standard User

    Dec 27, 2024
    I have an Aluma U8300 camera with the FW8S-Aluma filter wheel. I have followed the instructions in terms of setting up the filter wheel and attaching it to the camera. I have connect to Maxim DL 7 and followed the instructions in terms of what to enter into the software. I have attached the plug for the filter wheel into the camera. When I attempt to connect the camera to Maxim DL 7 I get an error message: "Error opening filter wheel. Filter Wheel not connected." I have tried to unplug and then plug the filter wheel into the camera with no result. If I select "no filter" in the program, the camera connects and everything works. But of course I need the filter wheel to work as well.
  7. Sreilly

    Sreilly Cyanogen Customer

    Oct 10, 2014
    Have you verified you have the latest drivers for the camera?
  8. Joseph Busch

    Joseph Busch Standard User

    Dec 27, 2024
  9. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Hi Joseph, our office is closed until Jan 6 for holidays.
    In the mean time, here are some questions for you that might help track down what the problem is:
    a) What are the serial numbers of the camera and filter wheel? It is on the sticker on the side. A photo would be good.
    b) Is this equipment purchased new, or did you purchase it used (pre-owned)?
    c) Was it working for months and then suddenly failed?
    d) Power everything off and unplug it. Inspect the pins in the round mini-DIN connector from the filter wheel that plugs into the camera's AUX I2C port. Are any pins bent? If so, tweezers or a fine set of needlenose pliars can sometimes straighten them out. You will likely need a magnifying glass.
    e) Did you unplug or plug the I2C AUX cable when power was on? This can damage the interface, and the equipment will need to come in for repair.
    f) Does the filter wheel automatically turn to the home position (slot #1) after plugging in the AC wall power supply? If it does not move, then likely the I2C Auxilliary interface fuses may be blown from hot-plugging it
    g) If the filter wheel does move and find home, launch the DL Config Utility (from the Windows Start menu, not MaxIm - make sure you are out of MaxIm). Does DL Config list the filter wheel in the Peripherals table (Type, Model Name) ? If it does not, then the equipment will need to come in for repair. If it does show up, then the problem is your MaxIm configuration, possibly you have a mix of files on the system from different versions, and so all will need to be uninstalled, rebooted, and install 7.1.2 fresh.

    If it needs to come in for repair, please fill in this RMA Request form:
    Once we are back at work next week, we will reply with details on sending it in. Hold on to the equipment until my colleague @Tim gets in touch with shipping details.
  10. Sreilly

    Sreilly Cyanogen Customer

    Oct 10, 2014
    There are 2 rows of lights on the bottom of the camera. A line of 5 with a row of 4 under that. There are two lights illuminated. the row of 5 has the red light while the row of 4 the green light. What does this indicate?

  11. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
  12. Sreilly

    Sreilly Cyanogen Customer

    Oct 10, 2014
    Thanks Colin. After posting I thought of the manual.....of course. Any lights to indicate filter wheel connection?
  13. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    You could use CCDOps to do some tests.
    Filter... CFW Exerciser to test the operation of the filter wheel.
  14. Sreilly

    Sreilly Cyanogen Customer

    Oct 10, 2014
    What I have found is when the initial connection fails if I unplug the filter wheel from the camera, wait for the rotation to stop, then try to connect it usually does after several tries. The previous way before was simply retrying fatre the failure from MaxIm's camera connect button. That seemed to never or only after many more tries worked that I recall. Once connected it seemed to work the entire session. I had thought the Pegasus unit might have something to do with this but connecting the original power supply made no difference.
  15. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Steve - DO NOT CONNECT/DISCONNECT the filter wheel when it has power! This can damage the filter wheel or the camera I2C AUX port interface.
    It MUST be powered off, and you have to wait perhaps 30seconds for the capacitors to discharge.
    There were plenty of warning labels, stickers, and paper advising not to do this.

    It is highly likely that doing this has damaged the interface, and it would need to come in for repair.
  16. Sreilly

    Sreilly Cyanogen Customer

    Oct 10, 2014
    Colin I've tried for the past hour to connect via your instructions with no connection to the filter wheel. There also are no labels stating not to connect/reconnect the filter wheel on the camera or filter wheel.
  17. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    No doubt the warning stickers were removed when the camera was installed. It's also in the user manual. This has always been a warning on all SBIG cameras going back to the ST-7.
  18. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Steve - maybe we should just hop on the phone tomorrow. I'm available 10am - 2pm. Maybe a remote session where I log into the machine would help. Send me a Private Message with your phone number and a good time to call.
  19. Sreilly

    Sreilly Cyanogen Customer

    Oct 10, 2014
    Sorry Colin,

    Just seeing this post. About 3 weeks ago I took a fall that has messed up my back so getting in/out of the dome isn't quite possible at this point. Hope to get an MRI soon. That 2' square door is a challenge at this point.
  20. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Sorry to hear about the accident! Take care of yourself and get better soon.

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