FW8S-STXL motor stops

Discussion in 'Filter Wheels' started by EricC, Apr 18, 2022.

  1. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    There isn't really much that can happen inside the camera to affect the operation of the wheel. The power comes into the camera, goes through a filter and a protection diode (0.3V drop), and then goes directly to the filter wheel connector. That leaves more than ample power for the filter wheel. If the input filter or protection diode were to somehow fail, the camera wouldn't work either.

    Although it is uncommon, there could be some minor mechanical issue. Too much or too little belt tension can cause issues - though I don't recommend adjusting this yourself. The carousel bearing could possibly have an issue (especially if disassembled and reassembled incorrectly - there's a very specific assembly order to the various parts).

    If you want to purchase another wheel, we do have three units left. We aren't making this model anymore so we have reduced the price.
  2. EricC

    EricC Cyanogen Customer

    Jan 31, 2015
    Thanks Doug. You only have two left. I just ordered one.
    My plan is to install it in a month when I'm at the observatory, then send the bad unit to Bill to be repaired. Will I need an RMA?
    I'll either keep that unit for a spare or try to sell it.

    FYI, I tried loosening and tightening the belt. It's possible I simply haven't found the sweet spot, but it originally worked then starting having problems a couple years ago that I fixed by adjusting the tension. About 6 months ago it re-started having problems, so I suspect there's something else going on.
  3. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    If you want to send it to Bill, please contact him directly, email bill at sbig dot com.

    He is semi-retired now, but does still work on the older hardware.

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