To log debug messages from your SBIG camera, please follow the next few steps. Also, look at the attached screenshots. 1) How to open Configure Debug Logger dialog window: Start SbigDriverChecker64.exe application. Press the Debug Log button, see ConfigureDebugLogger_1. png screenshot. 2) How to set debug messages: The ConfigureDebugLogger_2.png shows the setup dialog window. There are four columns with checkboxes inside this dialog window. Each column logs the certain level of messages, starting with the "CC_xxx" high level commands on the left side, followed by "MC_xxx" messages, which log more information from the driver. The third column gives us some details from Ethernet and USB interfaces and driver's FIFO buffer, which is used for transfering image data between the camera and the driver itself. The fourth column stores the lovest level information to the log file. Those data mostly includes an I/O packet data. Commands from this column populate the log file very quickly, but hold the most valuable information. There are "Camera" checkbox inside the third column which can be used itself to catch so called "blank" images. These images have all their pixels equal to zero, so images look black. If your camera produces such images, try to catch them using this option. The "Camera" checkbox also detects all STT/STX/STXL event messages from the camera. If, for example, the power drops under certain threshold, camera automatically switch off its CCD TE cooler and issues event named "LV TE Off" to indicate this problem. Please note, once happen, camera will not switch ON the TE voltage of your cooler by itself, so you have to do it manually by switching your camera OFF/ON. There are a few buttons which can be used to select some set of checkboxes by one click. We also have to set the proper Log File Path Name, where the log messages will be stored. Please note, the size of log file is limitted to 100 MB. When this size is reached, the file is rewritten and its previous content is lost, so it is a good idea to stop imaging below 100 MB, rename the log file and possibly continue. Important: After you finish your log/debug session, you shold stop debuging by pressing the "Clear All" button, while you can leave the log file path file name unchanged. If not done, your imaging application will still collect all log/debug messages, which will slowdown the whole image session significantly! 3) Examples of log file: The first sbig_log_1.png shows the basic information of this log/debug section like computer and driver headers which is important to know, because some problems may be related to operating system, version of the driver, etc. The second sbig_log_2.png shows the basic log information when the CC_GET_CCD_INFO is monitored. This function calls MicroCommand's MC_EEPROM function which asks the camera for four bytes. This also shows that these four bytes were received and the content of the packet is shown as an array of four bytes starting by the packet header ID: A5, ...