MaxIm and TheSkyX controlled mounts like Paramount

Discussion in 'Frequently Asked Questions (Public)' started by Colin Haig, May 24, 2024.

  1. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    If you have a Software Bisque Paramount telescope mount and/or like using Software Bisque's planetarium software called TheSky, here's the easy way to get MaxIm to talk to the mount.

    1. Confirm your setup

    You need to have:
    ASCOM Platform 6.6 SP2:
    Diffraction Limited's MaxIm DL Pro
    Software Bisque's TheSky X

    Make sure that TheSky X is already talking to the mount. (You probably already know how to do this).

    2. Download and install Software Bisque's ASCOM2X Mount Adapter
    The key piece you may need to get is the ASCOM2X Mount driver - it allows MaxIm and other programs to control the mount attached to TheSky.

    Download the Software Bisque's Ascom2XMount Adapter Installer 6.2
    Last time I checked, it was here:

    Install their ASCOM2X adapter software.

    3. Tell MaxIm to connect to TheSky's telescope mount
    a. Launch MaxIm
    b. Open the Observatory Control Window
    c. In the options for Telescope, click the [>] and select Choose...
    Like this:
    d. The ASCOM Telescope Chooser window will open.
    e. Select the telescope called ASCOM Telescope Driver for TheSky.
    Example here:
    f. Click the [Properties] button
    It will bring up the settings for TheSky X's telescope.
    g. You will need to specify which version of TheSky you are using.
    In the sample screen shot, I've selected (x) 64 bit

    h. You will need to set up any mount parameters.
    I've checked the commonly used ones.
    Your setup may be different, and you are responsible to figure this out.

    i. when done, click [OK] to return to the ASCOM Telescope Chooser and click [OK].

    At this point, you can [Connect] the telescope.

    4. Guiding

    If you will be guiding using MaxIm, and are not using the camera relays/ ST-4 cable, you will want to set up the ASCOM telescope driver in the guider settings.

    a. In MaxIm, open the Camera Control Window
    b. Go to the Guide Tab, and click [Settings]
    c. Autoguider Output - Control Via - you need to select ASCOM Direct
    d. Click [Setup]
    e. Follow the same ASCOM Chooser procedure that you did in Step 3.
    Pick the ASCOM Telescope Driver for TheSky.
    The properties should already be set - you can check them if you want.

    5. Test your telescope control is working

    a. On the Observatory Control Window, check that the telescope connects, and that you can view the coordinates of where it is pointing in the Observatory Control window, Status tab or Telescope tab.

    b. Try moving the telescope around using the Observatory Control window, Telescope tab, motion controls.
    For example, tell it to Nudge for perhaps 30 arcsecond in some direction.
    Check the coordinates make sense.

    c. Slew the telescope to some object on the normal side of the meridian, and check it the scope moved.
    (If the position is inaccurate, that's a problem on TheSky or Paramount with the alignment.)

    d. Make sure it is tracking at the sidereal rate

    6. Test guider motion is working
    a. On the Camera Control window, Setup tab, verify you have connected to the cameras.
    b. On the Guide tab, click the [Move] button
    c. This brings up the Move window
    d. Under Manual Control, change the time to perhaps 10 seconds
    e. Watch the telescope position in the Observatory Telescope tab, or the handcontrol on the mount, so you can check the coordinates.

    Declination Test:
    Write down or remember the DEC coordinate the scope is pointing at.
    f. Click the +Y button, and you should see an increase in the Declination axis coordinate.
    You may hear the Dec motor start running for 10 seconds.

    g. Click -Y and you should see a decrease in Declination, and the coordinate should return to what it was before.
    You may hear the Dec motor start running for 10 seconds.

    Right Ascension Test:
    Write down or remember the RA coordinate
    h. Click the +X button, which will increase the RA rate for 10 seconds, and then return to normal
    The RA will have changed

    i. Repeat with the -X button, which will slow down the RA rate.
    The scope should have returned to the original position.

    If this doesn't work, then you may have a wiring or configuration problem, such as incorrect directions, meridian flip, or misconfiguration in TheSky X.

    7. Enjoy the night sky!

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