[RESOLVED] STXL 11002/FW8G settings in Maxim

Discussion in 'STX and STXL Series Cameras' started by BillF, Jun 30, 2015.

  1. Geoff Stone

    Geoff Stone Cyanogen Customer

    Mar 7, 2015
    Shaver Lake, CA
    I have been having problems with my guide camera and recently opened it up and did some testing and am seeing something related to what BillF is describing. I made a video that shows the behavior. Maxim is set to take continuous guide camera frames. I can see that the main camera shutter is opening as well as the guide camera shutter even though I have not asked for this. I can also see that the main camera shutter does not seem to stay in sync - once in a while the guide camera shutter does a 'double take'. This seems to happen every 7-8 frames. It happens when the guide camera shutter and the main camera shutter have fallen out of sync. I don't know the cause, just the symptom

    I made a thread about this in the Maxim area along with another issue I'm seeing that caused me to open up the filter wheel.

    I would post the video but the forum software is refusing to let me upload it.
  2. BillF

    BillF Cyanogen Customer

    Nov 4, 2014

    Thanks Geoff. Yes, I see the same thing when asking only for a guide sequence (and vice versa when asking for a main sensor exposure). I have not noticed the "double take" you mention but perhaps I did not monitor closely enough. For me the main issue is that during a guided exposure the guide sensor does not download data for the duration of the main sensor exposure, which obliviously impacts guiding accuracy.
  3. Bill

    Bill SBIG Service and Repairs Staff Member

    Oct 12, 2014
    I think that both shutters opening when either is imaging is the norm.
  4. BillF

    BillF Cyanogen Customer

    Nov 4, 2014
    Thanks Bill. In that case back to thinking it must be a Maxim settings/software issue. If anyone can provide details on the proper settings for this setup (STXL11002M/FW8G) that would be helpful. Otherwise I may reinstall the drivers and firmware to see if that helps.
  5. BillF

    BillF Cyanogen Customer

    Nov 4, 2014
    Hi All. Just to close out this thread, I believe I have resolved the issue with the help of this forum and some experienced users. A combination of improper settings and my inexperience with the camera seemed the culprits. In any event, all appears to be working properly now. Thanks to everyone who chimed in with suggestions/advice- much appreciated.

    Until next time...

  6. Bill

    Bill SBIG Service and Repairs Staff Member

    Oct 12, 2014
    I'm glad to know it Bill, thanks.

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