1. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    Good to know on Bin 1 versus Bin 2. It's hard to simulate this properly in the shop. If we can get some clear skies here I'll do some testing, and see if you are correct. Unfortunately we always have crap weather from November 1 until about Christmas...

    The 45 degree thing is definitely not working correctly. It's possible a brighter star is entering the field when it tilts. Try using an isolated bright star.

    Once the AO is calibrated you don't need to do it again unless you unbolt the AO from the camera.
  2. Chuck_e

    Chuck_e Cyanogen Customer

    Oct 11, 2014
    I ran into another problem last night.

    I successfully calibrated the mount in both the Guide tab and the AO window using Bin1, however, the mount bumps seem to be in the wrong direction. Once the guider starts to bump it quickly drives the guide star off the AO window. This is happening in the Y axis. I don't know if the X axis is similarly affected. I suppose I coud set up an experiment to determine.

    If tonight is useable I will try the Reverse Y axis and see if that solves the problem.

    I really don't like the algorithm being used for brightness display in the AO window. Any star much fainter than 10m (exceptionally bright in my 22" system) is almost impossible to see until the autodarks are taken. Also, the software has a bad habit of not locking onto the brightest star in the field. This becomes a real annoyance when I can't see the stars anyway until after the darks are taken. It also likes lock onto noise instead of stars even though the stars are way brighter than the noise. Again, until the autodarks are taken you can't tell what it has selected. This would make it impossible to guide using any sort of automation if I was so inclined. The algorithm used for my old ST10 worked much better.

    Seems like ther may be some bugs to work out.
  3. Chuck_e

    Chuck_e Cyanogen Customer

    Oct 11, 2014
    The 45 degree thing is while doing the AO calibration not the mount callibration. The little X is at 45 degrees. The L from mount calibration is normal to the edge of the field sinee I am at 0 degrees PA for the guider.

    At my 3100 mm FL there is not much chance of unwanted stars entering the field even if I didn't check for that first.
  4. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    The AO won't tilt 45 degrees during calibration. It will be pretty close to up/down and left/right. Unless you somehow have the AO attached at a bizarre 45 degree angle to the camera.
  5. Chuck_e

    Chuck_e Cyanogen Customer

    Oct 11, 2014
    The AO and the SC3 are in line with each other using the supplied holes. I'll see if I can get a screen shot. It doesn't seem the affect the guiding.
  6. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    Nice thing about AO is it'll work as long as the calibration is in the ballpark. Ideally, though, you'd want it to be accurate.

    I'm planning to do some testing next time we have clear weather. It's sunny right now, for once, but that is predicted to change this evening.
  7. Chuck_e

    Chuck_e Cyanogen Customer

    Oct 11, 2014
    Here are a couple of related images.

    One is the AO and its relation to the SC3 since you asked about it. You can see it is a normal connection through the supplied holes.
    The other is the AO calibration window showing the X at 45 degrees.

    I tried the Reverse Y, It didn't work. I verified that MDL can move the mount in both the Observatory Window and the Guider/Move window. All 4 directions worked in both cases. I expected they would since I have been using MDL with this mount for many years.

    I looks like the AO mount bump isn't working for me. It appears that there is no movement of the mount. It worked fine with my ST10/AO8 on v6.30. Unfortunately, when I upgraded to v6.40 for the AOX/SC3 install, it wiped most of my AO settings so I am not sure they are quite the same as they were before.

    While was messing around with this stuff MDL crashed. It did not leave a log. After restarting it I noticed that the memory useage is continually increasing. It started at about 350Mb and now it is up to 770Mb in use. Could there be a memory leak somewhere?

    Attached Files:

  8. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Chuck - I'm just jumping in here -
    Thanks for the additional information.

    a) Is the SC-3 connected to the AO-X by a single cable?
    Normally there is a short cable that goes from the SC-3 AUX output to either connector on the AO-X. I can't tell what you've done here in your photo.
    The cable goes between the round mini-DIN connector on the SC-3 AUX port and one of the DB9-pin connectors - AUX (in or out) - on the AO-X.

    Pro tips:
    a) Backup
    It's always a good idea to backup your \Documents\MaxIm DL 6 folder before doing an upgrade.
    You can just make a copy. That way, if you ever need to go back, it's easy to do.

    b) Print Screen
    It looks like you took a photo of the screen with a cell phone.
    Windows has a feature called Print Screen (usually there is a PrtSc button on the keyboard. Sometimes you have to press another key in combination with it, like FN).
    It will make a copy of the screen or allow you to select part of the screen to copy.
    So press PrtSc, and then launch Microsoft Paint. Edit... Paste. Then save the file. This will be a better quality image and smaller.
  9. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    A couple more questions:
    c) Since you have a non-SBIG camera, is it arranged so that the main image sensor is square (parallel to or perpendicular to) the pick-off mirror in the SC-3 ?
    Sort of like this:

    d) Is there a rotator in your setup?
  10. Chuck_e

    Chuck_e Cyanogen Customer

    Oct 11, 2014
    The camera is square to the SC3 or as square as my milling machine can make it. The pickoff prism is on the short side of the main image chip as is usual.

    I do not have a rotator yet. Probably will get one next year sometime.
  11. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    a) Is the SC-3 connected to the AO-X by a single cable?
  12. Chuck_e

    Chuck_e Cyanogen Customer

    Oct 11, 2014
    For the connection between the SC3 and the AOX I used the gender changing cable that you guys supplied. It is wrapped around the camera to keep it out of the way.

    Getting the view down the camera with only two hands was a neat trick.

    Attached Files:

  13. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Ok - view down camera is great.

    Cable - power off the camera (unplug wall power and USB), wait 60 seconds.
    Disconnect that extra grey cable, and connect the one from the SC-3 directly to the AO-X.
    Both ports on the AO-X are internally connected (little known fact). It doesnt matter which one you plug into.
    That will get rid of extra unnecessary cable length.
    There should be only one connection to the AO-X when done, and that grey cable should go in the box with the other spare parts. :)
  14. Chuck_e

    Chuck_e Cyanogen Customer

    Oct 11, 2014
    Ok. I pulled out the cable. The weather is predicted to be bad for the next week so it will be a while until I can test it.
  15. Chuck_e

    Chuck_e Cyanogen Customer

    Oct 11, 2014
    Testing tonight. Lots of wierdness.

    The evening started off with MDL losing connections. At various times it lost connection to either the main camera or to the mount. Once it just lost control of the camera temperature setting. After closing and resstarting several times it eventually calmed down.

    I was trying to calibrate the AO and was getting no motion in either axis. I eventually found that by loosening the screws on the DB9 connector to the AO it started working. It is not first time I have had something like that happen with DB9 connectors.

    I was getting strange results from Nudge which is usually pretty reliable. A couple of times it would move the mount and continue to show slewing status even though the mount movement was done. If I hit the Abort button it would go back to normal. Another time I told it move 1 min West. It moved a couple of degrees. Then I told it to move 5 min West and it moved 3 hours West. Never had that happen before. I also got a couple instances of the Observatory Window losing connections where all of the values in the Status window would be blank. That problem has been happening for years so it is not necessarily a new issue. Sometimes I could fix it by Disconnecting the mount. Ususally I have to close MDL and restart it.

    I had 2 crashes. Once MDL just went away while I was doing something in the Guide tab. No error messages. The other time it hung. Each open window went "Not Responding" as I clicked on it. It did not show "Not Responding" in Task Manager. I had to use Task Manager to kill it.
    When I restarted MDL it had a garbage number in the Scope Dec field on the Guiide tab. I closed MDL and restarted it. Then Scope Dec showed -90. Closed and restarted MDL again and it finally showed the correct value of 17 where I actually was.

    If I use the Guide tab the guiding seems to be ok at 1 sec exposure or as ok as it can be with not very good seeing and a 3m FL. If I use the AO to guide I get occasional extreme instantaneous excursions. They typically go to the edge of the guide box (I am using 32x32) and back to the center about as fast as I can see. It seems to happen whether I use 1 sec or 0.2 sec exposures. This doesn't happen wiith the Guide tab so I assume it is some weirdness in the AO. Eventually the guide star will quickly either go out of the guide box or to out the edge and stick there. If I stop guiding and re-locate the star it will usually show within 1-2 pixels of where it started even though the AO window shows it at the edge of the guide box.

    It is only 11:30. I wonder what other interesting phenomena I will find before the night is done.
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2024
  16. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    This sounds like the PC has operating system corruption, that needs to be solved before looking at astro issues.
    See this article:
    In particular, do step 4 and 5. (DISM and SFC). Then do Windows Updates.

    Next, all the lost connection and control problems sounds like USB communication problems.
    So check USB Power Management, per this article:
    If that doesn't cure the lost connections, then you likely have a bad hub that is failing at low temperature, or bad cable somewhere in the USB mix.

    Once you've cleared the computer issues, I'm optimistic that your issues will be mostly resolved.
  17. Chuck_e

    Chuck_e Cyanogen Customer

    Oct 11, 2014
    I haven't had clear sky to test since doing the chkdisk, DISM, and SFC that you suggested, but I wanted to say that I see the same jumping around of the guide star that shows in Martin's video.
  18. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Chuck, for us to figure this out, we need a few simple details:

    1. Settings
    Please zip up your MaxIm Settings folder including subfolders, and attach here with [Upload a File].
    Without your settings, we can't verify what you have in your setup.
    Normally the settings are found somewhere like:
    Documents\MaxIm DL 6\Settings

    2. Version of MaxIm
    Help.. About
    Version 6.40 (not 6.4) is current.

    3. Version of DL Imaging drivers
    Quit all other programs.
    Run DL Config Utility
    Help... About DL Config
    [Copy to Clipboard] - this will grab all the version info.
    In your reply, Paste the text (CTRL-V).
    Or a screen shot of the Help About.
  19. Chuck_e

    Chuck_e Cyanogen Customer

    Oct 11, 2014
    Here is the About and DL Config data. Upload says "Catastrophic Failure" when I try to upload the Settings file.

    Attached Files:

  20. Chuck_e

    Chuck_e Cyanogen Customer

    Oct 11, 2014
    Oh well. Tried it again and it worked this time. Who knows?

    Attached Files:

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