I have a Celestron CGEM mount autoguided by ST-i Color and OAG. I got the STF-8300M pro package .When I connect the ST-I with CCDops and the CGEM mount and try to calibrate a star it says "Invalid motion in the X axis " and does't calibrate anymore. Is there a step I am missing? If some one would like to comment..
I did notice that the wiring of the SBIG interface cable is different from the wire that came with the Celestron CGEM mount. I tried both but didn't work out.
It may very well be an issue with cable compatibility. I've seen mounts where the pins are reversed on the connector. Check the manual for the mount. Also please check the manual on whether there are any settings to be made in the mount controller for guider inputs. For example, there may be a speed control; if it's set very low the mount may not move sufficiently.
Hi Doug The Cable is ok and after going through the process of calibration it is handing over to OPSAG which says 'server not found'. Is there a download for opsag which I am missing? Please advise.
You can run two copies of CCDOPS, and use one to guide and one to image. We're working on a light version of MaxIm DL for SBIG owners. In the meantime you might want to try the MaxIm DL Pro demo.
I tried PHD guiding with the ST-i and OAG8300 the night before and it seemed to work well. I was aiming at a long exposure but stray clouds rolled in. However I feel that PHD is second option and as you said something from SBIG would be the more reliable.
I have the same problem with my Celestron CGE mount. It works perfectly under PHD Guider but as soon as I switch to MaximDL it works once out of about 30 tries. It does not move the mount in Y direction but X is good. But it once in awhile after a mullion tries will work. Hook up to PHD and it never fails, MaximDL is the only program that consistently fails. Is there an issue with Maxim and Celetrstron mounts?