Hello, We have two cameras STT-8300 and cannot connect to our Computers. We installed the latest Driver checker, and updated it. We get no connection to the cameras, either with Windows 7 nor with Windows 10. With maximDL and CCDops same result. How to get technical support? I installed team Viewer, but see no email or other contact form. Please help
This is the right place to request support. When you plug in the camera, does it appear in the Windows Device Manager?
I'll ask @Adam Robichaud to look into it for you. He may want to remote into your computer, if that can be set up.
Thank you Adam for reply. We will try this out. It can take some time, as I have currently no physical access to the camera. This instruction refers to MaximDL? I hope there is a similar settings Option in CCDsoft as well, as this is our current Software at this observatory (MaximDL we tried out just for test only)
Oh, wait—I got my threads confused and summarized another TeamViewer session in this thread! Please do reach out to me in a private message with your TeamViewer connection details and I'll get to this ASAP. I'm so sorry for the confusion!