STT-8300M & Off-Axis-Guiding

Discussion in 'STF Series CCD Cameras' started by Alex Cardenas, Nov 4, 2019.

  1. Alex Cardenas

    Alex Cardenas Standard User

    Nov 4, 2019
    Hi Folks,

    I am trying to use an STT-8300M with an 8-Position Filter Wheel that has OAG built-in. I'm using Nebulosity 4 for my image capture and PHD2 for my guiding on a Meade LX200 f/10 8". I connect my filter wheel to the STT and the STT to my computer via USB. My computer is an iMac.

    I am able to use the STT either for Image capture OR guiding but I am unable to connect to both. I get a device error code 27 (Device not Found) when I try to connect to both (I tried all combinations of connecting to Nebulosity and PHD2 that I could think of).

    I imagine that I should be able to connect to both. Would anyone be able to help me with this? If any more information is needed, please let me know! I am new to this forum and am at a loss for what to do.
  2. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    You cannot connect to the same camera from two different programs.

    You need to use a single program to both image and guide.
  3. Alex Cardenas

    Alex Cardenas Standard User

    Nov 4, 2019
    Hi Doug,

    Thank you for your response! That would make sense with why I was having troubles. Would you know of a single program that does that? Also, I know that Nebulosity has a "PHD Connection" feature but I couldn't seem to get that to work, do you have any experience with this? (I understand this may not be the place to ask for that specifically).

    Thank you!
  4. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    I don't have any information on third party programs.

    MaxIm DL Pro will autoguide and image at the same time. Why don't you try our demo version?
  5. Alex Cardenas

    Alex Cardenas Standard User

    Nov 4, 2019
    I think I will go ahead and give it a shot! As always, we have cloudy skies in here MN. But I am expecting a clear night on Thursday.

    I just looked up MaxIm DL Pro. How can I get that process started?

    Thank you,
  6. Doug

    Doug Staff Member

    Sep 25, 2014
    Click the Demo tab and fill out the form.
  7. Alex Cardenas

    Alex Cardenas Standard User

    Nov 4, 2019
    Thank you, Doug, for your help! I'll let you know if I get it working!

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