Stuck or Hot Pixel

Discussion in 'My Astrophotos' started by ROBERT T SCHAEFER JR, Jan 22, 2020.


    ROBERT T SCHAEFER JR Cyanogen Customer

    May 13, 2018
    [[[[[[[ Got Hot Pixel … or Stuck Pixel }}}}}}
    I am using PEM-ON in the Astro-Physics 1200GTO '2010' Mount and the Created PEMPro Curve seems to work ok for
    up to 125sec images . But the Astro-Physics 1200GTO Mount is supposed to be able to Calibrate for Guiding at
    1xSiderealGuideRate and control the RA 'motor' speed for the Calibrated area and the 'motor' should move at that
    speed while 'guiding' . So. what I'l try is when I just use the PEM-ON in the 'mount' is Calibrate the ZWOASI120MC-S
    webcam I'm using for 'guiding' at BIN2 and put it to BIN1 and turn off the 'Reject Hot Pixels ' algorithm and put the screen-stretch'
    to the darkest shade in MaximDL Pro V6.20 and magnify the image to 200% or more and do a 1sec exposure or less
    without a 'Simple Autodark' and 'left-click' on a 'HOT' or 'STUCK' pixels and then press 'track' and turn the 'Y-Aggressiveness to OFF'
    and the 'X-Aggressiveness down to 1.0' or a little less and let the 'STUCK' pixel act like a 'FALSE' star and the 'mount' hopefully will
    move at the Calibrated 'tracking' speed and there won't be any 'corrections' happening because the 'STUCK' pixel can't move off coarse
    so then only the PEM-ON will 'correct' with it's data . This might work to control the RA 'motor' speed ////. ?????..x

    Attached Files:


    ROBERT T SCHAEFER JR Cyanogen Customer

    May 13, 2018
    152mm A+M Refractor(OfficinaStellare-1200mmF/L) and CanonEOSII 6D'stock-new 2017 model from B+HPhoto' using PrimeFocus 1200mmF/L and a BreakThrough X4-UV 49mm filter . The purpose of this image which is four 305secISO5000 RAWMonochrome Autosave images done with MaximDL Pro V6.20 was to try seeing what the Astro-Physics 1200GTO Mount would do with just it's 'PEM-ON' pec correcting curve I made and up-loaded to the Mount's PEM ... I Scaled it up 1.50 and re-loaded it and this is the result at 305secISO5000 for four images Sum stacked . What I did was I was doing images before the clouds covered the good imaging sky and I capped the Guider Scope and I did a 10sec Bin2 to the already Calibrated for Guiding M42 area and I used the 'screen-stretch' to darken the image so only a 'STUCK' pixel would be visible and the was one there and then I press the 'Track' radio button and 10sec went bu and the 'STUCK' pixel was in the sub-frame for 'guiding' and I dialed down the Dec Y-Axis Aggressiveness to ' 0 ' and the RA X-Axis to ' .5 ' which is less than ' 1 ' and there isn't any correction happening to the Mount but the 'motor' should be moving at the Calibrated 1xSiderealGuideRate speed and the Mount's PEM-ON is doing the RA corrections as PEC Corrections to prevent the RA wiggle which might have oblong stars ... but this theory seems to be working to keep the stars round for 5minISO5000 exposures . With better sky and a real good 'Polar Alignment' this idea can be helpfull and might help eliminate 'guiding' errors when not at the Telescope for awhile so less images will be lost due to un-known or un-monitored large RA or Dec 'guiding' foul-ups .x
    Guide 'FALSE' star as 'STUCK' pixel sub-frame image.x
    With a clear sky I will try this again.x
  3. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    A couple of suggestions:
    Look at "Bad Pixel Map" in the MaxIm manual. You can use this to get rid of bad pixels.
    Also look at autodark and calibration.
  4. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    I've commented on this on your other post.

    ROBERT T SCHAEFER JR Cyanogen Customer

    May 13, 2018
    I'm not trying to get rid of the 'STUCK' pixel if I can find one which I did but I'm using it as a FALSE Star
    to get the 'tracking' radio button for 'guiding' to think the 'STUCK' pixel is a star that doesn't move and with the
    Aggressiveness turned down there isn't any commands being sent to the Mount .. via: Telescope but the Mount's
    'motor' should be running at the Calibrated speed for the 'object' you trying to image . This might be happening
    so only minimal 'corrections' would be needed but none are needed and the Astro-Physics 1200GTO Mount's
    PEM turned ON is keeping the RA wiggle to a minimum ..??? It's a guess that might work..... otherwise
    'STUCK' pixels can be useful in this case , but not for normal guiding .

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