Adam, Good to hear that an update is coming. I wanted to provide some additional information regarding camera timeout issues. I have been using FocusMax 4 for focus software either in an automated imaging run with CCDAP or stand alone. A day ago I had three timeout errors occur in a short period of time while performing an autofocus run with FocusMax. I changed over to using @Focus2 for autofocus inside of The Sky X Pro. I ran many autofocus runs during imaging with zero timeouts. Having said this....I have produced Timeout errors without FocusMax 4 before so I'm confident that it's not the only cause. FYI only is useful. Thanks, Robert Mueller
Just so you are aware, we're running an open beta test this weekend to see if our updates will address some of the issues described here. It's mostly applicable to MaxIm DL users, but the firmware update is meant to clean up the shutter issues people have been experiencing. This isn't a final product, as it hasn't been tested in an end-user environment, but it is as stable as we can make it at the moment. If you're interested in helping out, please send me a PM by 5 PM today with your setup (computer specs, OS, what acquisition software you use, etc) and I'll send you install instructions.
Adam, I updated to the firmware you supplied and finally got to test it out. Unfortunately for me I had 3 timeouts in about 1 hour. All 3 happened while running continuous short exposures focusing or for star examination while collimating the scope. Camera control for all was The Sky X and the camera stops responding with "Exposing" or "Exposure Complete". Still hoping for a fix for other suggestion as this camera is not allowing productive imaging at this point. This problem was reported way back while under warranty. A question for Tim Puckett....would you consider a replacement or refund? Thanks, Robert Mueller
While I appreciate Adam's efforts, I can't help saying how extremely disappointing this news is. Like Robert et al, I have to continually monitor my system during an imaging run to be able to correct a timeout (which freezes TheSkyX and therefore control of all my equipment). Adam, Doug, Tim, it's imperative that SBIG tests their firmware using an identical system. That means running a range of real tests over several nights with an STXL, AO-X and FW8G on a windows box (i.e. not just bench testing). Leaving out one of these components from any testing you do is not viable, especially given the long history of this very serious issue. In any case, it seems as though you still haven't been able to reproduce the timeout issue yourselves. I'm happy to be corrected on this. Perhaps you can tell us how you have been doing internal testing to date? Regards, Marcus
Similar to Robert, during my last session and still on the older firmware, I suffered 2 timeouts that were unrecoverable (= camera shutdown & restart required) during focussing exposures. I also had one recoverable freeze while exposing for guide star acquisition. Are you still working on this Adam? Marcus
Because, according to Robert (the OP), the latest firmware (a beta??) doesn't fix the problem - see his last post. I don't want to upgrade until I get some reports that this very long running timeout problem is fixed.
Understand. Was thinking that since you and he have different setups, that it might help you, e.g. it could be something more than just firmware in his environment. I didn't see any harm in moving forward to newer firmware. The developers have invested a lot of time on the improvements.
Robert and I have the same camera Colin. Moreover, others who have the same problem have the same camera - eg Martin Pugh and others in this thread. Finally, no-one from SBIG has disclosed what fixes have been put into the latest firmware. I'll bet I'm not the only one here who refuses to do blind updates - especially to firmware. This is especially true given Robert's feedback on the latest version, so I don't see upgrading the firmware at this time as a step forward.
Thanks Adam. As an IT person I can identify with that. I'd be hoping that this issue is at the top of the priority list though. As well as being a long running issue, it deprives us of the confidence to do an automated / unattended imaging run. As Murphy's laws imply - as soon as you're not looking, it will fail and waste hours of imaging time and, at worst, cause all control software to fail. In any case, can you please tell us what has actually been fixed in the latest release of the firmware? You may recall that one of my issues (as well as the time-outs) was that the shutters of the FW8G and STXL always operated together when they should be completely independant. Has that been fixed? Marcus
On another front, last night I upgraded to WIN 10 64 Pro from WIN 7 64 Pro. I ran a 400 point pointing model without issue then I prepared for imaging and received a STXL Timeout taking continuous exposure on a manual focus adjustment. Robert
Naturally, there are a few things which get immediate priority when they arise, interrupting development work (and there have been unusual number of them in the last few weeks), this is my top development priority. If people need a firmware downgrade in order to get their cameras working with third party software, please send me a PM, and I'll do it remotely for you ASAP.
I loaded the new driver and last night while running my 11002 under The Sky X, I went to run an @focus2 routine and after the first few frames, the SBIG locked up. I had to unplug and power cycle it to get it to operate again. This didn't only happen once, it happened twice before I decided that it wasn't going to work. This is not a good thing.
Hi All, Does this affect the STX camera also? I am getting variable random SBIG driver errors - receive time out error = 30008 with my new STX16803 with FW7 and AOX. Regards, Tim
I'm reasonably certain there is an issue in SBIGUDrv involving our use of the Windows API — one of our users has had some success controlling the camera via Ethernet (if that's an option for you). If that's the case, then it should (theoretically) affect all cameras, though camera series would have different succeptibilities... The STX and STXL cameras are all based on the same firmware platform; so if there was an issue in one of them, it's possible it could affect the other as well. That said, it's possible you've got a separate issue all together. Can you send me a lot capturing such an error, so I can see what's going on under the hood?
Thanks. I am using CCDAP5 and TSX for image acquisition. Would a log have been saved somewhere on the PC?? What can I send to you exactly?? Regards, Tim