Tim, I think the log Adam refers to is an SBIG log that you turn on from within the SBIG driver checker utility. Just choose the correct camera and set a path for the log file to be created. On the downside this logging dramatically slows the camera download times. Robert Mueller
You would need to turn logging on in SBIG Driver Checker 64, and re-capture the error. I can send you details on how to do that if you've never done it.
Adam, I think, this is already explained in FAQ section under the How to Log debug messages, if you didn't change something inside the driver checker. Jan
Oh, so it is! Thanks Jan! I haven't changed it (nor do I intend to any time soon). http://www.diffractionlimited.com/forum/index.php?threads/how-to-log-debug-messages.692/
Thanks Jan and Adam - that is very helpful. I assume I don't have to have an active connection to the camera when setting all this in the SBIG Driver Checker? .....and I can close Driver Checker and then run the camera as per usual and the logs will be generated at the next session of imaging?? This probably doesn't help, but this is an example of a log from CCDAP5 when this happens, and below that is an error I am getting all the time in FocusMax4: 21:27:24 Dither: -1.0, 0.0 21:27:33 Guide Error X: 0.28, Y: 0.23 21:27:33 Altitude: 65.0° 21:27:33 Hour Angle: -1.2 21:27:33 NGC6072, exposing... 21:30:54 I:TI1, CCDSoft2XAdaptor.CCDSoft5Camera.1: SBIG driver: Receive timeout. Error = 30008. 21:30:54 Sending email (100 sec. timeout)... 21:31:02 Sent message: Take image failed. Send successful 21:31:02 Clear, Dry, Dark, Sky: -22.2°C, Ambient: 23.0°C, RH: 56%, Wind: 2.1 KPH,@ 9:31 PM, 21:31:03 *** Aborting session due to data acquisition failure FOCUSMAX LOG: 16:41:43 16:41:43 System 1: PKSTX16803_March2016 16:41:43 ...Camera control 1: TheSkyX V10.5.0 Build: 9957 16:41:43 ...Camera 1: SBIG with AO (all models including ST-7/8/9/10/2K/4K/STL/STT) 16:41:43 ...Camera 1: Connected = True 16:41:43 ...Camera 1: Sensor 4096 X 4096 16:41:43 ...Focuser 1: JMI SmartFocus Focuser 16:41:43 ...Focuser 1: Connected = False 16:41:43 ...Filter wheel 1: FW-7 STX 16:41:43 ...Filter wheel 1: Connected = True 19:17:50 ** Beginning Find Star ** 19:17:50 ...Filter 1: Ha (slot 5) 19:17:50 ...Focuser 1: Position = 8461 19:17:50 ...Flux target: 300K 19:17:50 ...Star subframe width: 200 19:17:50 ...Base exposure: 2.60 sec 19:17:50 ...Min/Max exposure: 0.10 / 5.00 sec 19:17:50 ...Target star binning: 2 19:17:50 ...CCD central region: 100% 19:18:26 Camera timed out cam.IsExposureComplete 19:18:26 Camera timed-out after 30sec 19:18:26 Error: modCameraImage getTargetStar (TakeFullFrameImage) 19:18:26 FocusAsync failed 19:18:26 FocusAsync failed 19:22:02 ** Beginning Find Star ** 19:22:02 ...Filter 1: Ha (slot 5) 19:22:02 ...Focuser 1: Position = 8461 19:22:02 ...Flux target: 300K 19:22:02 ...Star subframe width: 200 19:22:02 ...Base exposure: 2.60 sec 19:22:02 ...Min/Max exposure: 0.10 / 5.00 sec 19:22:02 ...Target star binning: 2 19:22:02 ...CCD central region: 100% 19:22:38 Camera timed out cam.IsExposureComplete 19:22:38 Camera timed-out after 30sec 19:22:38 Error: modCameraImage getTargetStar (TakeFullFrameImage) 19:22:38 FocusAsync failed 19:22:38 FocusAsync failed 19:26:10 ** Beginning Find Star ** 19:26:10 ...Filter 1: Ha (slot 5) 19:26:10 ...Focuser 1: Position = 8461 19:26:10 ...Flux target: 300K 19:26:10 ...Star subframe width: 200 19:26:10 ...Base exposure: 2.60 sec 19:26:10 ...Min/Max exposure: 0.10 / 5.00 sec 19:26:10 ...Target star binning: 2 19:26:10 ...CCD central region: 100% 19:26:46 Camera timed out cam.IsExposureComplete 19:26:46 Camera timed-out after 30sec 19:26:46 Error: modCameraImage getTargetStar (TakeFullFrameImage) 19:26:47 FocusAsync failed 19:26:47 FocusAsync failed 21:13:27 ** Beginning Find Star ** 21:13:27 ...Filter 1: O3 (slot 6) 21:13:27 ...Focuser 1: Position = 8461 21:13:27 ...Flux target: 300K 21:13:27 ...Star subframe width: 200 21:13:27 ...Base exposure: 0.40 sec 21:13:27 ...Min/Max exposure: 0.10 / 5.00 sec 21:13:27 ...Target star binning: 2 21:13:27 ...CCD central region: 100% 21:14:00 Camera timed out cam.IsExposureComplete 21:14:00 Camera timed-out after 30sec 21:14:00 Error: modCameraImage getTargetStar (TakeFullFrameImage) 21:14:00 FocusAsync failed 21:14:00 FocusAsync failed 21:17:29 ** Beginning Find Star ** 21:17:29 ...Filter 1: O3 (slot 6) 21:17:29 ...Focuser 1: Position = 8461 21:17:29 ...Flux target: 300K 21:17:29 ...Star subframe width: 200 21:17:29 ...Base exposure: 0.40 sec 21:17:29 ...Min/Max exposure: 0.10 / 5.00 sec 21:17:29 ...Target star binning: 2 21:17:29 ...CCD central region: 100% 21:18:03 Camera timed out cam.IsExposureComplete 21:18:03 Camera timed-out after 30sec 21:18:03 Error: modCameraImage getTargetStar (TakeFullFrameImage) 21:18:03 FocusAsync failed 21:18:03 FocusAsync failed 21:21:31 ** Beginning Find Star ** 21:21:31 ...Filter 1: O3 (slot 6) 21:21:31 ...Focuser 1: Position = 8461 21:21:31 ...Flux target: 300K 21:21:31 ...Star subframe width: 200 21:21:31 ...Base exposure: 0.40 sec 21:21:31 ...Min/Max exposure: 0.10 / 5.00 sec 21:21:31 ...Target star binning: 2 21:21:31 ...CCD central region: 100% 21:22:04 Camera timed out cam.IsExposureComplete 21:22:04 Camera timed-out after 30sec 21:22:04 Error: modCameraImage getTargetStar (TakeFullFrameImage) 21:22:04 FocusAsync failed Many thanks! Regards, Tim
Hi Adam, I have a log from an attempted session this evening.....It is too big to attach, so I have uploaded it to here: https://www.sendspace.com/file/jicvue Regards, Tim
I noticed while running a bunch of @focus2 runs that when this locks up it's always at the same point Downloading image. So I have a 1 sec delay set, it runs though the delay, then it takes the exposure 4 secs, then goes to download image and thats where it always will hang when it fails. So maybe its on the closing the shutter, since it never fails on the opening of the shutter. Out of probably 200 times it hung about 10 times. very much a real pain!
Hi Martin, We have STXL-16200's in stock. We can FedEx next day or 2nd day if you need something very fast. Most cameras now are either in stock or a very short lead time. If you need anything feel free to call me anytime. Kind regards Tim
Hi All, This is probably just a coincidence, but in the last 2 weeks since I put ferrite chokes on all the cables emanating from the STX and the remote guide head and AOX - every cable - power, usb, serial, HDMI - I have had nil "timeout" errors, whereas prior to that I was getting 1 or 2 every few nights. Cheers, Tim
It's been a while since I have updated to the latest firmware, and I would like to share my result. I have the 1st generation STXL11002, self guide and AOX. I have been plagued with timeout errors from beginning. I have now been running non-stop the latest driver since its release, and thats every night, fully robotic, dusk to dawn, cool down at dusk, then warm up in the morning, even with the dome opening momentarily between showers, focusing, then locking onto a target, closing, and so on. The camera has not stopped operating during these active sessions [shutdown automatically during the day]. Focusing every hour or following a flip, plate solving potentially every half an hour. Connection via USB, Maxim DL 5.24, ACP/Scheduler, FM4, APCC. In regard to automated guiding management via ACP [trial], what I have also noticed is that the camera works better, but still not correctly [fault occurring when ACP hands auto guiding over to Maxim DL]. Previously, during the auto guiding handover from ACP to Maxim DL, Faded guide star would always eventuate [SNR=50]. Now I can run at SNR=20, with a very slow guiding rate, hz, resulting - ideally, SNR=3 would result in an optimum guide rate. Under ACP, using its test auto guide script, the guide camera works with SNR=3, guide speed is automatically calculated to a very fast cycle [this is very confusing]. Something goes wrong when ACP hands the guiding function over to Maxim. In December, I changed the bearings to my main shutter [with thanks to SBIG for supply], this improved the timeout error significantly. In my case, after pulling the camera apart, then inspecting its actions, I found that the main shutter bearing was binding after a period of use [which resulted in good performance at the start of the night, then failing about mid-late evening]. As the shutter eventually stop rotating, the capture process then pause during the download, waiting for the shutter to return to the home position [I am guessing]. Following this fix, the timeout error was still present, but not regularly experienced after the installation of the new bearing. I still experienced time out errors prior the installation of the current driver, and these could happen in CCDOps. But again, since the installation of the current driver, the camera has not stopped. Steve PS: I previously tried ferrite chokes on all cables with no change. I have non in place now.
Steve, for the record, would you mind sharing the details of versions of everything (eg Camera firmware etc.) ? This sounds like good news.
Hi, I have orderes a 16200 here in Germany Baader Planetarium. Till now there is no delivery! Can you please explain why, if yopu have them in stock! Konstantin
I assume you're the fellow who ordered the Class 1 sensor? Those are special order; we had to order in the sensor and then build the camera. It was shipped July 27 so you should have it any day now.
Adam, Can you verify if the firmware shown above is the current version for the STXL 11002? I have not heard any progress on the timeout issue and I know several of us are still having issues. Yesterday I upgraded to the latest drivers and firmware. I was working on collimation as using continuous, short exposures binned 1x1. In the span of 30 minutes I had 4 timeouts. Each one requiring closing Sky X, power cycling the camera, enable/disable the camera drive in device manager and reconnecting all equipment. I'm still running without hubs direct connect to PC. I replaced my PC as a test, changed cables etc. all with no relief. I also tried Win7 64 bit Pro and Win 10 64 Pro...no difference. Out of ideas and running low on energy testing. Any ideas will be appreciated! Thanks, Robert Mueller
That's the latest firmware, but the latest driver is 4.94 build 1. I'm still actively working on the timeout issues — I'm just totally waylaid. Apologies for the long wait.