Yes, and with a very useful way of interacting. The only limitation is that "rich text" posts have to be done using the BBCodes directly, and on the iPad this is a serious pain in the ____ (multiple bucky-shift touches). Participation, subscriptions, everything else is really sweet. Be sure to take time to investigate and learn the user interface. Like all modern mobile/tablet user interfaces, it's all about "discovery". Don't stop when you've found a way to see messages, it's probably the hard way. Remember when word processors came out and people put hard carriage returns to end lines, then complained that their paragraphs would not re-flow when the margins or text sizes changed... old habits die hard The Tapatalk Blog and Tapatalk Forum (read it from within Tapatalk of course!) are good sources of info.
Thanks to the guys at Cyanogen for getting Tapatalk working. Regards, AlanP Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Tried to look in this AM in line at the bagel store and it says: "Diffraction Limited SBIG Feed Not Available. Feed may not be available to small or private communities". Sorry to rain on the party. This is an iPhone 4S with IOS 8.1.
Just tested it and it seems ok. Can anyone else confirm this? Is it possible you had poor internet connectivity at the time? Have you tried it again since this morning?
Had to enter my password for this site into Tapa Talk app... was not obvious to me, but I get it now.