Trying to use my new Aluma3200 camera with TheSkyX camera add-on. I don't think I see Aluma series cameras/drivers listed. Are they available yet? I am using the most recent TSX daily build. Ken
First off, thank you so much for purchasing an Aluma camera - we truly appreciate your business. We're collaborating with Software Bisque to make this available soon. In the mean time, this thread may help you: In there, I show how you can set up the Aluma using MaxIm to control the camera within TSX. This assumes Windows operating system.
Have there been any developments regarding TheSkyX and drivers? I would like to use an Aluma 8300 + AO8A with TheSkyX, having had good experience using TheSkyX with STT and ST cameras.
Yes. We're just in the process of releasing the documentation for the new Aluma API. That will make it possible to make a TheSkyX camera add-on for it. In addition we're working on the ASCOM driver, which hopefully will be available very shortly.
Got a rough idea of the timescale? (That said, I appreciate software development etcetera can be a pain.)
Bob, as you know, ASCOM driver is Windows only - some clients want Mac or Linux (Ubuntu 18.04 LTS). We're wrapping up the SDK, which is cross platform; will release it per platform, Windows first; then the ASCOM driver for Windows; then we go from there.
Ah! Of course! But actually I meant that (on Windows ) the ASCOM driver would eliminate the need for a special X2 or other plugin for the TheSky Camera Add-On (and also make the camera usable by SGP and other programs that already support ASCOM cameras).