Thor's Helmut NGC2359

Discussion in 'My Astrophotos' started by ROBERT T SCHAEFER JR, Mar 2, 2019.


    ROBERT T SCHAEFER JR Cyanogen Customer

    May 13, 2018
    CanonEOSII Rebel T7i 'modified by Hutech' using a TPO80A 2in. filter from OPTCorp thru a TeleVue 2XPowerMate thru a
    152mm A+M Refractor(OfficinaStellare) on an
    Astro-Physics 1200GTO '2010' Mount for 91secISO6400 for twentyfive CR2.s 'Drizzle' stacked in MaximDL Pro V6.16 and
    then the FITS was put into "ImagesPlus" to work on it with the 'Feature Mask' 'Split Stars' command and other commands .x
    The FITS will "PinPoint Astrometry" 'solve' with the USNO-A2 Catalog from 10th to 18.50th magn. using 315 stars for the solve .x
    I was looking at the Canon EOS Rebel T7i's LCD screen for the HorseHead 9minISO6400 Ha and H-Beta images and the Histogram showed
    they were clipped .. meaning the exposures weren't long enough so a couple minutes more might work .. like 11minISO6400 ...But …
    This might get the 'data' out of the clipped left side but maybe then the exposure might have to be 'doubled' to about 22minISO6400 to cause
    the 'data' mound to move to the right by about double it's content to be sure the lower 'faint' image content is imaged ; I think I read that there might be
    a chance the LCD screen is showing a quick image with the higher values which might be of the +2048 values that easy to see and when you download
    the image it then looks dim in the Canon Digital Photo Professional program .. maybe because there isn't enough lower end 'data' due to a short
    exposure … but the downloaded image would have all the -2048 and +2048 values now showing . I will try it the next time I image .
    Thor's Helmut in this image has the 'data' just out of the left side in the LCD Histogram but maybe it should be double the distance to the right
    to be sure the lower end values get imaged .. which means the exposure should be doubled to 180secISO6400 instead of the 91secISO6400 .x
    The first image jpg is the one I just re-did and the second one was the last time I sent it to show the difference .x
  2. Colin Haig

    Colin Haig Staff Member

    Oct 27, 2014
    Good effort!

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